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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I'm actually having the same problem as the OP, while some Tests are working normally, others don't seem to be. Triggering the part (Engines in my case) in staging with all green checks, and its not registering.
  2. Took me three tries, but it worked! Thanks!
  3. So I just tried docking in sandbox... got it first time... so i don't think it's me. I'm thinking maybe it has to do with the cones I attached the docking ports too? Here is the Nav-Ball. I mean, I don't think I could get this much closer lol. Between the 4 launch's and the parts, those 4 ships are a quarter of my funds, grrr. http://i938.photobucket.com/albums/ad228/Dexion1619/screenshot8_zpsb448d02d.png' alt='screenshot8_zpsb448d02d.png'>
  4. Wait.... oh no i hope that's not it. Lol don't tell me that. I assumed that the yellow hazard ring was supposed to show?
  5. Hey everyone, I have been trying to get two ships to dock for hours and having no luck. Both ships have clamp-o-tron docking ports; even when the ships go in to the docking animation (drawing close to each other and lining up), they simply slide apart a second later, like the ports are failing to "latch on". Am I missing something super basic? I have tried with 4 ships, and nothing is working! http://i938.photobucket.com/albums/ad228/Dexion1619/screenshot2_zpsa0cd8651.png' alt='screenshot2_zpsa0cd8651.png'>
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