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Everything posted by Jappards

  1. There are some things I find clunky in ksp: LV-Ns use liquid fuel only: this makes need for liquid fuel only tanks, but it is very strange to built a rocket make of a aircraft parts; Adapters and aircraft bicouplers have liquid fuel and oxidiser or they are compleetly empty; Parts in a cargo bay are very space inefficient; Lots of parts in an aircraft cargo bay makes these parts wobble(and clip through the cargo bay itself in case of a MK2); I have come up with a system to resolve this: Resource modular tanks. When you attach these tanks to the root part, they start as empty. The popup menu contains 2 lists: all types of resources you have a part for that stores it(and aren't already put into the part itself, also: no solid fuel or intake air) and all resources the part contains. When you click on the resource it is removed from the list of resources you can select and put into the resources your tank contains. The list of resources already put into the part would be devided into sections for each resource. Each section would contain the name of the resource, an X for removing it and 2 draggable bars. 1 bar would be for how much of the resouce you can store at max, the other for how much you store in it currently. Multiple resources can be put into a tank too. To balance this all, the Resource modular tanks would have a volume property and adding a resource and dragging the max you can store decreases or increases volume(No silly MK2 short liquid fuel+oxidiser+RCS modular tank combo where every resource is 800 units full). If you store more resources in 1 tank at the time, the storage efficiency decreases. Max available is only changed in the VAB or SPH.
  2. True, the fins had to be that far back, otherwise the center of lift was infront of the CoM and that makes the glider aircraft in the farings unstable. I forgot to say, explosions when staging are totally normal.
  3. Today I built a multistaged plane using farings: Craft file: http://www./download/kvrbdtn33edbd6j/Staged_aircraft.craft Has anyone tried to build a multistaged aircraft?
  4. I did my first test(#1), here are the results: Very Flat: 6,380m Flat: 35,610m Pointy: 25,300m Very Pointy: 39,440m (results where rounded to the nearest ten) I wanted to eliminate even more variables: This test was done with the same pilot every time: Jebediah Kerman. I did use Display aero forces in flight in the debug menu, but that did not interfere with the flight. The SAS stability assist was used to stay straight in the air. I had my hands off the flight keys and only looked at the map for a little bit. Crash results where used. Looking at the map for max altitude isn't reliable, because the number changes very fast.
  5. The results must be reproduceable, otherwise it isn't valid either, so I will be carrying out tests too. At first, I will try to reproduce SaturnV`s results using his/her craft file. Some other things people want me to test? Also: very flat gives a higher altitude than flat?
  6. There is a difference between a flap and an aileron. Flaps extend outward to increase lift, but they can't steer. Ailerons are control surfaces while flaps aren't.
  7. Currently we can make our wings as big as we want in the SPH, but not in flight. Bigger wings have a higher lift rating and more drag, smaller wings a smaller lift rating and less drag, but lift induces drag, so having excess drag decreases the performance of an aircraft. Aircrafts with smaller wings need a bigger runway, which is less than ideal in some situations. My solution: being able to change the lift of an airplane wing in flight. High lift devices High lift devices increase lift when you want them to. There are 2 settings, one when the lift is higher and one where the lift is lower. Here are my suggestions for high lift devices: Flaps: Placed behind the wing, expands to increase lift; Slats: placed in front of the wings, expands; Flaps and Sats expand and increase drag enough to use as brakes. Telescopic wings: This gives you the option to increase your small wings to big wings at wil.
  8. How about Eve? Eve has not as dense of an atmosphere and lower maximum temperatures. Jool is a gas giant.
  9. No, the LV-N uses liquid fuel and is powered by nuclear fission, there is a difference. Nuclear fission is the splitting of an atom, this is usually done with uranium and gives some nasty radioactive byproducts. Nuclear fusion is making 2 atoms merge, I am talking about the fusion of Deuterium(an isotope of hydrogen,which has more neutrons that usuall) and Helium-3 (An isotope of helium, which has 1 neutron less than usuall). This nuclear fusion "creates" 1 proton, normal helium(the helium you put in party balloons and in airships to make them float) and gives off energy. Apart from Antimatter, Alcubierre drives, microwave wireless power transmission, Megajoules, Aluminium hybrid fuel rockets, Waste heat, Ammonia, plasma engines, Methane-oxygen engines, solar sails, do I need to go on?
  10. Our kerbal scientists have finally developed nuclear fusion technology. Demands for Helium-3 and deuterium have driven the prices sky high. Fusion reactors and engines Fusion reactors will be able to provide lots of power, fusion engines have a large amount of Isp, but Fusion engines won't work inside an atmosphere and the engines aswell as the reactors need to be kickstarted with power. They also require Helium-3 and Deuterium in a 1:1 ratio. The tanks used to store the fuel of the fusion engine are not able to be filled in the VAB or the SPH, but can be filled from another vehicle(docking). Mining Helium-3 can only be gotten from some planets, while Deuterium can be gotten from every planet. The ISRU converter is able to convert ores into Deuterium(liquid fuel is hydrogen and Deuterium is an isotope of Hydrogen). Helium-3 and Deuterium can be gotten from the atmosphere of a planet. Lists of planets with Deuterium and planets with helium-3: Deuterium: Jool Eve Duna Kerbin Laythe Helium-3: Jool Eve To be able to mine Helium-3 and Deuterium from an atmosphere, you need air intakes and atmosphere tanks. These tanks store air gotten from a planet, air only gotten from 1 planet can be stored. Then the ISRU refinery is able to refine the air in it's new atmosphere mode(where it uses up air instead of ores) and store the Helium-3 and Deuterium in their special tanks. Recovery The recovery of Helium-3 gives a huge amount of money if you have a contract, otherwise you get half of the value of a contract.
  11. I find some parts not efficient in terms of space that is actually used, so when I am not using it, I would like to be able to fold it up and save space. Inflatable Cabins Inflatable Cabins(not talking about MK2 crew cabin) are able to be inflated to use and once you inflated them, you would be able to use them like you normally would. The difference between the deflated version and the inflated version is the height, diameter is uneffected. In order to inflate an inflatable cabin, you need to fill them with compressed air(A new recource). Compressed air is what you put in tanks. Inflatable Cabins are able to contain crew, some are even able to function as labs. When there are kerbals inside an Inflatable Cabin, you would not be able to fold it up until the kerbals are out of the Cabin again. When a part is deflated, air is put in the tank again. Inflatable cabins don't contain a hatch so the only way in is crew transfer. List of new parts: Inflatable lab; Height: 1 mobile processing lab. Radial size: Large Crew: 2. Compressed air required: 800 Inflatable storage container; Height: 1 HSC. Radial size: Large Crew: 4 Compressed air required: 450 Inflatable Sleeping Quarters; Height: 2x HSC. Radial size: Large Crew: 12 Compressed air required: 900 Bladder tanks Bladder tanks are a type of fuel tank that shrinks in height when fuel is drained from it. When fuel is put into it, it will become bigger in height. Compressed air tanks Compressed air tanks store the compressed air you need to inflate these parts. These are usually filled when you are launching these modules into space, but you are able to use a compressor(new part) to convert intake air into compressed air and store it in tanks, in order to do so, the air must be breathable. List of air tanks: Mounted compressed air tank: 300 Tiny compressed air tank: 650 Small Compressed air tank: 4000
  12. I agree we need some sort of cooling system, but I think we should have both active and passive cooling: Radiators: these don't require any kind of electricity, but are slow. Thermoelectric coolers: These require electricity, but are a lot faster.
  13. Not sure if this is the best way to apply a coating: Coating menu There would be a special menu where your mouse turns into a brush icon and you are able to paint over it, but you could also use the paint bucket to compleetly cover the hull. Then you select a coating in the coating menu and click on the part of the part or the whole part to coat it. There would also be a tool menu consisting of a brush, a paint bucket and an eraser.
  14. Lots of cool things can be done with a simple paint job. It might be a good idea to paint your rocket with it(reference intended)? Coatings Coatings are paint jobs which slightly change some properties of a part. Some coatings act as some form of heat shield, others generate power in the sun. There are 2 ways to apply a coating: partially or compleetly. Partially are only applied on a part of the part, if the coating is partial, the effect of the coating is partial too. Coatings can be multi-layered, but most coatings don't work as strong when another coatings are applied. The types of coatings: Thermoelectric coating: generates electricity from heat; Photovoltaic coating: generates electricity when kerbol is shining on the part; Thermal control paint: Makes a part heat up less quickly. Luminous paint: makes parts glow and give of a small amount of light. Aerodynamic paint: Slightly reduces drag. (For every type of coating or paint, I checked if it is actually possible to make).
  15. 1. Not quite. With those kerbal companies having underground test facilities in underground kerbal cities making the parts would still not make sense as an agreement: For any experiment on any biome you get science points which you can spent in any direction to help develop.2. Science as a currency doesn't link up to technological progression with time if you can directly choose what to develop
  16. When I look at how things are developed in real life and in kerbal space program. Science is a currency? Now that I think about it, it just doesn't make sense to me for a game aiming for realism. So it should be revamped to approach realism a bit more. First of all, the tech tree as we know it dissappears compleetly. Discovery Instead of having the start unlocked, you have to start by doing research on the subject you want to experiment with, but you don't need to discover everything from the beginning, things related to Chemistry are already discovered. To discover something, you need to observe something. In some cases a scientific tool is needed. To unlock certain experiments, you need to observe certain things. Experimentation Then you experiment to unlock a certain part.T do that you need to unlock certain technologies, but before you can do the experiment you need to discover it first. These technologies have a certain level ranging from 1 to 3. Technologies need to be a certain level before certain parts are unlocked. Bigger parts than small require a better level aswell as tiny parts. Experiments have a random chance to unlock a tech and a smaller chance to improve existing tech, but if you already know something about a certain tech, you will be given more information about the experiment you are doing.
  17. Timed Staging(TS for short) is a way to automaticly stage using timers inside it. Inside the TS menu is a timer for each stage after the launching stage, for example: 0: 10,00s 1: space 2: 4,00s 3: 10,00s 4: space This menu would be very similar to the animation menu from microsoft powerpoint, but a little bit more kerbal style. Do note that this is quite far from autopilot, as you stil have to point your spacecraft and throttle down/up, but it will help when you need a perfect timing where a human falls short or you just want to optimize your lifter.
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