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Zombie Biscuit

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Posts posted by Zombie Biscuit

  1. I don\'t think you can really use that...thing as a source.

    I mean, it says that these fibres are nanorobots that are dropped in chemtrails. That should be a warning sign right there.

    The lesion is probably exactly what they say it is-\'gelatinous blood\'. Perfectly normal blood clots are fibrous.

    ignore the nanorobots part. But the fibers even move: http://mic.sgmjournals.org/content/147/4/929/rel-suppl/cc83fed75b88c296/suppl/DC1?eaf

    There have been found glowing fibers too.

  2. They\'re fibres from their clothing, embedded in the sores from scratching themselves.

    If you\'ve really read through the link I gave you, you would have noticed that they found fiber inside a woman\'s body, near the bone.

    Also, this: http://www.rense.com/morgphase/PB11.jpg

    'New lesion on left breast. Many particles were of gelatinous glowing blood.

    Fiber samples including striated strands. One particle'

    The samples were in alcohol, just so you know.

    Also, http://www.morgellons.org/symptoms.htm

    'These structures can be described as fiber-like or filamentous, and are the most striking feature of this disease. In addition, patients report the presence of seed-like granules and black speck-like material associated with their skin. Fig 1. and Fig 2. below show Fibers emerging from a lesion on child\'s lip at 200x.'

  3. Viruses are species specific-it\'s pretty unlikely, to say the least, that a virus would be able to infect a completely alien being. And I doubt these extremely advanced aliens are going to have somehow failed to discover antibiotics and antiseptics.

    Morgellons. http://www.rense.com/morgphase/phase2_1.htm

    Started when a meteorite fell near an aborigenous tribe in central america. Cure is not known.

    Maybe the war already started and we don\'t even know about it? What kind of disease is this, it has no viruses, bacteria NOTHING but it still spreads. *cough*geneticengineering*cough*

  4. As we all know, the first lord of all things was Chuck Norris, who elected NOTHING to be his minion. After Nothing\'s death, god was elected, and God was the 'ruler' of all things from 4004 BC—2004 AD. After God\'s death, The Flying Spaghetti Monster was elected, who ruled from 2004 AD - 2012 AD, until he resigned. The current lord of all things is Chtulhu, PRESENT - 2099 AD.

    Future rulers:

    Ving Rhames: 2099—2157

    George Burns: 2157-Chuck Norris\' return.


    To be in order with your new overlord, sing this every day:


  5. Or...... They come to us and enslave us for being stupid enough to send a message to other people in the galaxy that may or may not be smarter then us and have more powerful weapons of mass destruction...........or be are friends. =P

    And they let us live in their planets, wich are being slowly destroyed by our way of living. Unfortunately, they are less resistant to solar radiation than we are, and soon they are all dead too.

    Or, if they want to kill us all, they forget that they have modified themselves to be able to live in space (without breathing), where there are no other forms of life. Then they get killed by our viruses. The end.

  6. No, I\'d say it\'s more like:

    Some giant military satellite array picks up an acient message traveling at the speed of light. Scientists decipher the message as primitive communication and learn that there\'s other inteligent life in the galaxy, or atleast there was.

    And then a fleet of space ships that travel faster than the speed of light gets to them and kick their ass because their planet is nice and comfy and ours is like Mars. Their life style = blown

  7. Just think about it. When SETI sent the message to space...

    It was a sunny day in a planet in the Alpha Centauri system, people watching their TVs and suffering yearly attacks from terrorists that hate their freedom. Until... all the channels are obstructed by a strange message. The governments of the planet gather their smartest scientists, that deciphered the message as a warning, something to give them a chance in this unfair fight. The governments of that planet are united under a single banner and all of the population is enslaved under a military dictatorship.

    We never came, but the dictatorship never ended, because THE ONES IN POWER LIKED IT! How do you feel now, human race? Can you live knowing that you might have destroyed the life of billions and billions of other peoples?

    Poor Kerbals... still trying to develop a reliable space program.

  8. Its also just silly that these computer scientists continue to insist in calling it 'quantum computing' when it has nothing to do with Quantum physics in the slightest. And then to call a data moving operation 'teleportation' just adds to the confusion. It\'s pure hype, and causing ridiculous ms-information like the laughable PC-World article. The poor guy heard 'Star Trek' and jumped to a conclusion.


    I actually think that it would make it easier for the nutheads of today to understand

  9. http://www.pcworld.com/article/225394/quantum_teleportation_is_a_reality.html

    'Beam me up, Scotty; scientists have finally done it! Using what looks like an incredibly complicated setup, scientists have not just figured out how to transport information using the quantum highway; they have actually made it happen.

    In the past, such teleportation experiments were either slow, or there was information loss in the process. This new experiment procedure eliminated both of those concerns; the team transported a 'cat'--Schrödinger\'s cat to be exact. No, it wasn\'t a real cat, but instead were wave packets of light which represented Schrödinger\'s cat, a paradox in which something has two states at the same time (the cat is both living and dead)--a condition called called quantum superposition. Quantum computers work (or will work) by storing data as quibits which can represent one and zero at the same time; this would allow them to solve multiple problems simultaneously.

    To do this, the researchers developed a 'broadband, zero-dispersion teleportation apparatus' and a whole new set of 'hybrid protocols involving discrete- and continuous-variable techniques in quantum information processing for optical sciences,' along with some other things that I completely do not understand. In the end, the researchers managed to \'remove\' the quantum information from space, and it was resurrected in another place.

    Not only did the 'quantum information' exist in a state of quantum superposition, but the transfer was quick. Check Science (you\'ll need a membership or you\'ll have to pay for the article) to get all the nitty-gritty details!

    The research was led by University of Tokyo researchers from the Department of Applied Physics, with some intercontinental assistance from the Centre for Quantum Computation and Communication Technology at the University of New South Wales.

    Elanor Huntington, a professor at the University of New South Wales who participated in the study, says that 'one of the limitations of high-speed quantum communication at present is that some detail is lost during the teleportation process. It\'s the Star Trek equivalent of beaming the crew down to a planet and having their organs disappear or materialise in the wrong place. We\'re talking about information but the principle is the same--it allows us to guarantee the integrity of transmission.'

    Is she saying that not only will we be able to transport information on a global scale almost instantly but that we might also be able to transport objects? It sure sounds like it.

    Huntington goes on to say, 'If we can do this, we can do just about any form of communication needed for any quantum technology.' In other words, quantum computing is just around the corner!

    Personally, I am very excited for this new discovery. Just by looking at the picture above you can see the insane amount of effort and intelligence that must have gone into producing this study. In other words, the future is bright for humanity!'

    BUT! This is not 'true' teleportation in a physical sense, it is simply a 'theoretical teleportation' needing an actual A-to-B bridge.

    Still, now scientists can, for example, control the Mars Rover with a joystick constantly instead of having to input a code every 5-20 minutes. Instant internet. Can you imagine it? We could send a ship into space and give it energy from here. Or HD television for astronauts in other planets. It is the future happening before our eyes. Another example: you are an astronaut on Mars and had problems with your command pod. You don\'t have to wait until they send you a recording every 20 minutes, it is isntant communication. And there also is quantum computation. Geezus (see what I did there with the gee?).

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