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    Curious George

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  1. How do you attach the top fairing base ring if the the pieces on either side of the interstage don't have nodes? In the image I posted before, the parachute cannot connect to the survey unit. Is this kind of assembly just not possible with current implementation? I can actually make it work with two interstage fairing rings connected at the top nodes, but it makes for 8 total fairing pieces and can look pretty crappy. I there a more elegant way of doing this?
  2. I've encountered a bizarre problem when using interstage adapters and I'm hoping someone can point out what I'm doing wrong. Attached is a screenshot of what I'm trying to build. When I launch this thing I get a strange effect where the parachute detaches from the top section and remains fixed in space. The rest of the rocket then lifts off until the kethane scanner impacts the parachute and the whole thing stops dead, engines still running. In attempting to replicate this effect on a simpler vehicle I was unable to attach parts to the bottom of the top fairing ring. Am I misunderstanding how these adapters are supposed to be used? Is it not normally possible to have parts extending into the interstage area from both top and bottom? I thought I remembered building rockets this way from a while back, but I could be wrong. Thanks. Arch Linux KSP .25 RealChutes Kethane Deadly Reentry Procedural Fairings
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