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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. OK, REALLY new to the game, still working through the tuts. In Orbit 101 when thrusting the navball would move away from where you put it, but I managed to complete the objectives assigned to me, so I assumed that this was normal behavior and everything was working right. Onto the Mun part 1 and I set out the maneuver node correctly, I align the navball with the marker correctly and fire up the engines and the navball starts spinning again, I think nothing of this, until I notice that my apoapsis is going down. So did I do something wrong, do I need to keep the navball aligned or what?
  2. OK, just tried to run things again, still not working. Also tried running the patcher program, because I noticed that some folders are empty for an unknown reason. Result of running the patcher? This, which I think may be important Squad Patcher Using rsync-2.0.9 Preparation Detecting if OS-resident rsync is present... rsync is not already installed, so making use of bin\rsync.exe. Authentication Getting login token... Your session token is 68eba741-40c9-427e-8c5f-fe1661abca5a. Synchronization Opening connection to kerbalspaceprogram.com:873 with transport RSYNC... bin\rsync.exe -zrav --progress rsync://matthewsleeman%40gmail.com@kerbalspaceprogram.com:873/kerbalsp.production/KSP_win/ "d:/Downloads/Software/KSP_win" The source and destination cannot both be remote. rsync error: syntax or usage error (code 1) at /home/lapo/package/rsync-3.0.9-1/src/rsync-3.0.9/main.c(1148) [Receiver=3.0.9] rsync exited with code 1: Syntax or usage error Cleanup Cleaning up some leftover files...
  3. I'm using Windows 7 and that report is from my very first time trying to run things. If it helps I've got KSP installed at d:\Downloads\Software\KSP_win\ Here's a link to the settings.cfg file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/463q5aeghhmbmkb/settings.cfg?dl=0 note that this SHOULD be a standard issue one
  4. So I've finally managed to download KSP, but now when I start it up it crashes, no way around it. Here is the first of 3 error reports/dumps, if the others are needed I can post them as well https://www.dropbox.com/sh/v0u23dcc7v451ya/AACqwRh7Ws8fNR_Wj-WL4WWaa?dl=0
  5. OK, so I've just brought KSP, now I need to download it. Normally I use Free Download Manager for downloading things, but that doesn't work on this, I get an error message about not having a user name and password, so I put them in the fields provided by FDM when setting up the download, no love. So then I try Firefox's internal download ability, but that only downloads the first few KB before dropping out for some reason. So looking around this forum I find a suggestion to use downThemAll, so I try using that. After some teething troubles I get it going, for it to get to 66%+ before something goes wrong, so I click the button the try and restart it (part of the problem seems to be that I wasn't logged in anymore on the front page/shopping section) so the down starts up again, from the beginning. So does anyone know of a download manager that works for downloading KSP that supports resuming?
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