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Everything posted by jagrafess

  1. I have the same issue with game collapse by entering VAB. It also happened once at Mission Control, although I seemed to get farther in Mission Control than anywhere else - actually was able to fly some of the craft I have around the system... I have the following mods: DMMagic Orbital Science, KASA, KOSMOS, KWRocketry, NearFutureElectrical, RN_Salyut, RN_Soyuz, and WarpPlugin. Everything was working fine until the Beta download. I have some extreme builds using parts from these mods, so it would be a serious chore to try and surgically remove parts from the various builds from the various mods. HELP!!!! (I do have a crash folder that popped up in KSP directory, but do not understand enough about what's in it to use it in any constructive troubleshooting)
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