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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Well I decided to start a new game, take the contracts with the most science points and finally unlocked the landing gears and jet engines...OMFG what a difference compared to fuel tanks and all. katateochi , I tried your plane multiple times and I kept crashing...I'm fell like a mass murderer now lol
  2. Ya my science level is too low for landing gears. jet engines and all those "neat" shinny stuff. I only have fuel tanks for fuel which is counter effective if you ask me - too heavy, contains oxidizer and mass is heavy as well. Looks like I'll have to do more research for my science. The science tree needs to be redone. It would make sense me to to research for a small about of points something basic for aircraft like a fuselage, jet engines, landing gears at a minimum...not 90 points ffs
  3. I've tried several types of aircraft in career mode when you only have stability and flight control researched and it always seem to be a failure. Does anyone have a basic design ? I seem to suck at it lol. Bur I'm very good at blowing up everything I try to fly...but no contracts on that thanks for any help, its appreciated
  4. Is there a way to easy manage fuel in airplanes ? Right clicking on the fuel tanks is not really efficient. Also why do I have no option to put fuel in wings just like in today's aircraft...or create a fuselage that gives me the ability to put fuel in the fuselage so I can make sure the center of mass and lift is always in the center. Right now if I add 2 fuel tanks or more, it becomes problematic when one of my fuel tanks is losing fuel, the center of mass and lift change and I become dropping bomb
  5. Ahhh I finally did it. thanks for the help. I also had to change my technique of orbit as well. I guess I was burning too much fuel and going at a wrong angle at the wrong time. Now I just need to practice a bit more.
  6. When you say over-throttling, I guess you mean dont use 100% of throttle, so just use 2/3 or something close as long as you're altitude and your speed increase ?
  7. Hello all, I'm in career mode (.90 beta btw) and got a the starting landing pad, if you call that a landing pad (18t max mass on it). This means that the design is pretty limited. Did anyone made an orbiting rocket cause I tried a couple of design but I never attain orbit. If I do, its not high enough (above 70k) and I don't have enough fuel to get back so I'm stuck in space lol. The most successful and it still failed was this design : Command Pod Mk1 with Mk16 Parachute and TR-18A Stack Decoupler FL-T400 Fuel Tank LV-909 Liquid Fuel Engine TR-18A Stack Decoupler FL-T400 Fuel Tank x2 LV-T30 Liquid Fuel Engine Any help would be appreciated
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