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Everything posted by xorolc

  1. OMG it works!!! so cool! thanks RainDreamer! If anyone hasn't scene the Eterno Rest 2000 mod I encourage you to look at it. How can I get my Final Frontier decorations to go with him on his journey? Very cool, kinda sad to see a kerbal with his eyes closed like that. Probably need to make an urn too. Even when a kerbal dies on eva they just go <<poof!>>. They must be mostly gas or something.
  2. Just make a few different types of tombstones. A rounded one, a cross, a star of david, an obelisk etc. Like a flag you could read the inscription if you are next to it. Could it be done so that if you have a lot of them it won't slow your computer down like a large debris field? Don't need a special building. Just have them sprout up in those little fenced in plots out on the island with the runway.
  3. Just hoping one of you great mod makers could write a mod that would turn the little plots out behind the hangars on the island into a little graveyard. When a kerbal dies you can write a little epitaph under their name and get a new tombstone.Sometimes Jeb can fly his jet out there and leave a small bouquet of flowers on a tiny grave as a tear hangs in his eye. Is there a mod like this? Flags might work but just wouldn't be the same.
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