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    Curious George
  1. I was really excited for 0.90, particularly the new mark III parts. I've wanted a large shuttle for a while now, and this seemed like a great opportunity to build one! However, I've had some problems building it. That is, specifically problems within the SPH which make it frustrating to build. These issues result in corrupt .craft files, the inability to edit the craft. and crazy launch behavior. I have included a video of some of my issues below, which hopefully illustrates the problems I've been having. I also want to illustrate step-by-step how I can replicate these issues, and what I have already done to attempt to correct them. The first step to creating these issues is to build a craft. It seems that a larger, more complex craft has a higher likelihood of causing issues, but that might also just be because I need to use the undo feature more on more complex craft. Large craft often contain multiples of smaller units of construction, such as engine pods, wings, etc. It is here that I begin to run into problems. Taking a part off, setting it down to the side, then using undo to put the part back (with duplicate part still to the side) tends to cause glitches. My theory is that stepping back whenever you have parts hanging around the craft causes problems. The results of using one of these corrupted craft files can range from frustrating to humorous to downright bizarre. I made a video that illustrates my point. Please excuse the quality, I'm still getting to know my screen capture tools. Here's a link to my video: 99 Kerbal Problems.
  2. I also have this issue. It appears that using undo at all is extremely likely to put the game in a state where the craft cannot be launched and parts that are added or removed do not appear properly. In addition, exiting the VAB/SPH in this state is impossible, though saving your corrupted craft is possible. Loading the corrupted craft then replicates the broken game state.
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