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Everything posted by RedAero

  1. If that was a response to my question, could you clarify?
  2. Slightly related question: how do you accurately measure and determine lead-lag angles? The orbit mechanic happily calculates these angles for me, but I don\'t really know how to apply them. Oh, and when trying a timed burn: does the engine shut-off time matter? How do you deal with that? (KSP really needs an engine on-off button)
  3. The fix solved the ignition problems for me as well, and the engines slid all over the place for me too, but I couldn\'t attach any struts properly. How did you do it? I tried to do it on a modified SLS as well(swapped the lander for a conventional spacecraft, but had to rebuild it completely to change the command module), and I just can\'t get the struts to connect to the engine itself. Tips?
  4. I\'m really enjoying your pack, but I have encountered a problem. I\'m running the latest 13.1 build with no additional mods. The Interpid V 400 and 500 don\'t get off the pad. The liquid engine in the center doesn\'t fire, for some reason. Any suggestions? Edit: Further testing seems to indicate that the RD-180 engine fires with an Intrepid II fuel tank in place. Also, the Common Core Booster can feed an Atlas IV engine. And, weirdly, the common core booster can feed the RD-180, just not in the Intrepid V configuration.
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