From left to right: Jeb, Bill and Bob One small step HUGE FRIKKING DROP for Jeb, one small step for Kerbalkind. Those jetpacks turned out quite handy xD Yeah, I think I may have slightly overdone it, but I\'m proud. I thought I could pull it off and not advance 2 more stages to the landing stage to touch down safely. And I did. This rocket is the spiritual successor to my older \'Luna\' series of rockets, which were outdated by the 0.16 patch. (and, when reconstructed in 0.16, no longer can carry the full crew because it\'s on a 1m base) Like it\'s predecessor, it\'s built with no modded parts, and perhaps it maybe is just a little insane - it definitely bears the same curse: occasional explosions, an occasional fatal attraction to water and a bizarre amount of fuel in weird places. 8) the .craft is shared below if you want to try it, post pictures if any of your non-modded crafts made improbable landings in far-flung places, for fun...and science.