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Everything posted by Lrn2model

  1. Only to a very VERY stupid person. It's simple, i presented an argument. Either you understand it or you don't. But if you don't understand it and you are mad because of it, i think it's TERRIBLY stupid to accuse the other of being a troll. Seriously, either agree with me or disagree with a good argument, but if you disagree without presenting an argument youre just confirming yourself as a rude person.
  2. Im offended that you would imply that. The fact that i KNOW for a fact that im not anyone else in the forum makes me doubt what personal problems would lead you to propose such a convoluted paranoia ridden theory. I would like an apology.
  3. I'm sorry but i've seen many modelling schools and i dont think this level would be accepted, maybe MAYBE it would pass in one of the worst ones. But its not college level, is quite below that. More like High school kid taking its first steps in modelling, that's more like it
  4. Hello, i was considering on buying the game but i decided not to. As far as i can tell the low quality of these new graphics are just one of the many aspects in which devs are way below average. I think the only reason this game even has a minor following is because they have cornered a small market in which no one else is interested. I dare to say that ANYONE who ever did ANY kind of modelling at all can do a better job than this. The fact that you charge for this borders on the criminal and probably with a little bit of explaining a judge could even accept it as a fraud. As the amount of money requested is clearly not related to the real quality of the product. Please dont get mad and ban me this is just a honest opinion. I think you should be free to do what you want, but i also should be free to say what everyone is thinking.
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