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Everything posted by jnops

  1. Hello again, Yes, I am sure it was a save from beta, but it was a "continue" from a crashed game before killing a bunch of processes. For the sake of wuickness in installation I only changed the keymappings and resolution: this time I didn't set the graphics to full. I have tried a clean install again today, and playing a new game I have had no crahses for ~1 hour. So I'm guessing my issue comes from some kind of incompatiability with the software that comes from my motherboard manufacturer or between graphic settings and my hardware. I will keep tryin to identify more precisely which application is interfering. But I guess that for now the problem is resolved. Thank you for your help.
  2. Thank you for looking into the logs. I tried killing all processes linked to the Asus tool, not disabling any services yet: I was able to goof around in sandbox mode for what seemed to be a longer time than before. Until it crashed when going from flight to the space center. I will now try looking into disabling some services. Question : by "event listeners being setup for individual keys" , could this be that I remap the keyboard inside KSP to be able to use my french keyboard? Thank You. P.S. I have uploaded to the same location a new crash directory with current processes killed.
  3. Hello, Since 0.90 I cannot play without having crash to desktop. I am not sure it is only for 0.90, I have not played since 1 month, but have been playing since Aug. 2013 I have tried clean installs, clean unzip, x32, x64 and always have a crash. crash to desktop always during flying. Sometimes it takes 1 minute of flight to crash, sometimes more. but always a crash. I have only tried sandbox. Here are the files for a crash, after clean unzip, flying stock Stearwing D45 and also dxdiag output : https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B2hvhZvnVoTYU0FTM3dtVkJISW8&usp=sharing thank you
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