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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Thank you so much! Will definitely check that out.
  2. Just looking at the KER stats window, where it shows you TWR for each stage. In the VAB it's a little higher than on launch pad. Maybe the engines take some time to reach full thrust?
  3. Not sure if this is a bug or I'm missing it somewhere, but for some reason when in VAB, my TWR shows for example 1.08, then out on the launch pad it shows .95. I made sure I'm on the right planetary body, just seems like Kerbal Engineer is overestimating how much TWR I have when in VAB versus real launch on launch pad. Thoughts?
  4. I did not, but that did do the trick. Was curious why I hadn't had to do it before. Thanks for the link from cybutek too!
  5. Anyone have any idea why my KER button is grayed out and the windows do not display once I leave the VAB? It is intermittent as I have used KER without issue, just all of a sudden started occuring. Any ideas?
  6. I cannot tell you how much this has helped me! This happened to me and I have uninstalled, reinstalled, and turns out it's a stupid simple bug to fix. Thanks so much!
  7. This exact same thing is happening to me. I've tried everything, uninstall, reinstall, only had 1 mod (Kerbal engineer). So very frustrating!
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