I believe I'm having the same issue, although I'm too early in my career to have been to the mun or attempted docking as others have mentioned. Last night my game was fine. Today after launching the game and loading KSC it won't allow me to click on several buildings (all the fun ones) can't get to VAB, SPH, launch pad or run way. I can get to mission control, R&D and Astronaut complex. I went to misson control and accepted a new contract. Hit the back button to return to KSC and nothing happens, page remains on Mission Control, but the menu overlays change. http://i.imgur.com/xhO2PFW.jpg Look at top left the back button now has other buttons overlapping it. I can hit esc, but even quit to main menu doesn't do anything, all buttons don't do anything at this point, its as if they don't exist anymore. I had MechJeb and DMP installed (although I am in single player) deleted MJ after a few restarts didn't solve the problem. Now I'm out of ideas.