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Everything posted by Bluefox117

  1. https://www.dropbox.com/s/5szl6zao1a5j2h2/Problem.png?dl=0 theres a screenshot for the duna issue, it does in fact look like somethings put Duna in the wrong starting position. Its not kopernicus, as ive removed that (actually just kopernicus tech, required for kerbol plus mod) so ill look for the cause elsewhere. perhaps theres a way to query the game file for this info on sfs load, and cut universal time out of the computation?. also i can see why youre getting the jool question alot, having fiddled with it it seems that "earliest departure" and "earliest arrival" simply declare the plot area that the algorithim searches for a min dv within, rather than (as the uninformed user such as myself would assume) simply the earliest dates youre happy to work with. Maybe theres a simple way to make this clearer. thanks for the reply!
  2. New user to the mod, finally opened the pandoras box of blissful distraction and got it up and running. Im running a stack of mods, but is there any immediately obvious reason that a straight up Duna transfer has me arriving in game several months too late? (although the porkchop and associated values look just like your examples (perhaps somethings chnged default starting positions (kopernicus?))) and why the Kerbin Jool transfer gives me ca 16km/s as its best answer for an optimised transfer? would love to be doing some nice multi flyby gravity assists as soon as i can! Thanks for a top bit of code guys, hope you can help
  3. Thanks for the fix! certainly makes the difference. I have textures in a texture replacer folder (reflective visor and others from proots work until a 0.90 eve/renaissance pack is done) and some other icons id like to write exemptions for with ATM. can you post a basic 101 on how to approach the problem?
  4. Looks like its done! http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/20451-0-90-Ferram-Aerospace-Research-v0-14-5-1-12-19-14
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