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Everything posted by parasoja

  1. Yeah, that's an OPM thing. The latest version has the same problem. I'm not particularly planning to make another 10x config for 1.3. It's not super hard, though -- go into RSS/realsolarsystem.cfg and delete the eeloo section, go to kopernicus/config/system.cfg and increase radius and semiMajorAxis of the planets and moons it adds/modifies by a factor of 10, mass by 100, and rotationPeriod by, say, 3.14; and go to kittopiaspace/saveload/*.cfg and put an extra zero on the outerradius and innerradius values. If you find that planets' orbital velocities are too high, reduce the sun's mass by a factor of 10 in realsolarsystem.cfg.
  2. Also, apparently I multiplied the radius of the second outer planet by 100 instead of 10. Delete GameData/OPM and GameData/KittopiaSpace Replace with contents of this archive. Should fix both issues. I was able to replicate the behavior in the current-ish RSS release, so it looks like this is a problem with RSS itself. Unfortunately, it is beyond my capabilities to fix.
  3. Eh, okay. Go to GameData/Kopernicus/Config and delete System.cfg Replace it with this file Go to GameData/RealSolarSystem/ and delete RealSolarSystem.cfg Replace it with this file No warranty. Mostly untested. Orbital velocities and escape velocities seem to be reasonable, at least for me. I'm not sure what eeloo's behavior is supposed to be in outer planets, but I have it crossing neidon's orbit a bit like it used to with jool's.
  4. I fixed the issue. Open GameData/RealSolarsystem/RealSolarSystem.cfg ctrl-f and search for repositionRadiusOffset change the value to 123.41 This fixes KSC, and the other locations appear to already more or less work.
  5. Huh. I thought I remembered stock 909 being 0.2, but maybe I've been using stockalike longer than I thought. Either way, awesome. Also, thanks for doing this mod. My hacky semi-RO setup depends on it.
  6. Tried it out. It has engines and they go whoosh, which is what matters, though of course they're using the old mass numbers. That might actually be a good thing, since the stock engines are so weirdly heavy now, but maybe you don't want to be going around making up your own masses for everything.
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