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Posts posted by Conbadicus

  1. I know you can sort by size, and I know most of you know the parts so well that you automatically know which parts are 2.5m or 3.5 or 5 or w/e but, at a glance everything looks relatively the same size so I find myself clicking on several things just to see if it will fit with my 2.5m rocket design. 

    Would be nice it would sort them by rocket diameter size, or if for example 2.5m parts had a blue background or what ever. I know we can make a custom menu, but I have no problem with the other tabs and that means going into the custom tabs each time. I dunno I'm weird!  Would this be difficult to do?

  2. Having an issue. 

    I have 4 sats set up at 2.863mm around kerbin. Each sat has a C-32 and they all have green lines to each other, 1 of them is keostationary and linked to the ksc. They each also have a large directional dish, the largest one that is activated and target set to Active Vessel. 

    So then I launched another ship with another omni to keep it connected as it travels out past these relays and it also has another large directional dish. When it gets to the omni's limit, i switched it on and directed it at Kerbin. According to the guide, this should mean it should link up with any of the 4 relays that are pointed at the active ship. But it doesn't seem to make the connection. What am I doing wrong?

  3. On 1/6/2016 at 3:01 AM, MarvinKitFox said:

    These sort of contracts are not mean for you. They are meant for players that are capable of paying attention to fine detail, who bother to read the whole requirement specification, and in general pay attention to detail.

    The willingness to actually think outside of the box could also be needed, such as the need to understand that one can launch a capsule containing a tourist, which you simple laterally attach to your rocket.


    Some hints:

    *Mission requires you to haul (or activate) a part at a specified height AND speed? Just mount it on a strong rocket that has a throttle control. Throttling your engine power does wonders to select the needed speed!

    *Mission requires you to fly four people to a location? That's a very advanced mission! Are you sure you do not simply have to fly them to a defined situation, and return? Such as "suborbital Kerbin", or "Mun flyby"?

    To move tourists, simply mount your smallest tank radially around your rocket, empty the tank and put a capsule on top. To do this needs ONE tech improvement, and that's simply because one does not get very far using fleas for propulsion. Symmetry is a good idea.


    If your post was to complain that the early contracts get repetitive, or that the relative rewards offered per difficulty was inadequate, you would possibly have a valid point.

    As it is.... You do not.


    Pretty sure you didn't read my post(s) or you wouldn't have made your final statment.

  4. Surely there must be some kind of way to manage the amount of thrust coming out of RCS to ensure that RCS accurately translates. Placing RCS at the center of gravity or at equal distances from it work for as long as the fuel is balanced, but... you know we use up the fuel.   Surely, computer systems should be able to account for this to stop rotation when trying to do a translation?

  5. 44 minutes ago, Sirine said:

    to OP:

    Since you have so many hours spending on KSP.

    How is you opinion about getting to the Minmus orbit in Tier-0 (Fresh career game with nothing upgrade/unlock) with your current skill/design capability?


    I assume this.:- You need more hours in KSP.

    Haven't tried that personally but something like that is far easier than some of these contracts. So, missing your point.

  6. Question, is it possible to go into the folders and move parts around so they appear in certain tabs but not others? I know you can create custom tabs, but I'm familiar with the stock tabs. So, for example, I have the robotics mod and it has its own tab for robotics, Great! But it also puts its parts into the utility folder. 
    Anyone know how to do this myself? 
    Again, the in game custom tabs is not an option. 

  7. Its 1.0.5, but infact there was no impact in this case. Like, if I just set down on the surface its like he takes off skiing down the slope. In the case, not even tumbling. But the game im sure is registering it as a tumble, compounded by the speed...

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