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  1. Awesome, seems to have gone through, looking forward to using that. Another couple things, though, "Classic Stock Resources" disables the apply changes button, even though there's no listed incompatibilities or anything along those lines. Also I've been having "install failed" happen every time I try to install mods so far, no explanation, everything says it's installing properly, then all of a sudden "install failed" with no context other than the part about "if the above line indicates a download error then retry" (which it doesn't, it says installed successfully). EDIT: Also "Diverse Kerbal Heads" (this is probably more of an issue for that mod's developer than for here, but thought I would mention it) says that it requires "TextureReplacerReplaced" which isn't compatible, yet the mod itself (Diverse) says that it is compatible, and the original(?) Texture Replacer is up to date and compatible.
  2. I don't know if this is the place to mention this, but I'm getting a notification, trying to install the "Civilian Population" mod via CKAN, that it requires "ToolbarController", which it claims isn't compatible with the version of KSP I have installed (latest version via Steam), but a)the relations tab says that ToolbarController is compatible (it doesn't show up red in that tab) but that another mod (Click Through Blocker, which is listed as a requirement for both CivPop and ToolbarController) isn't compatible even though the mod is updated for KSP v1.12.x according to its thread here on the forums.
  3. Mass Effect: Kerbal Edition. Someone needs to get on that re-meshing project. With OP\'s permission, of course. If I had skill, a program to work with, and OP\'s permission, I\'d be all over it. EDIT: Hey, got a bit of an issue here. I built a ship (a HUGE mother of a ship) to take up a pair of wormholes to create a network (stage 1->wormhole 1->stage2->wormhole 2->stage final). It crashed when I tried to launch. Is this a bug, a problem with carrying more than 1 wormhole on the same ship, or something unrelated?
  4. I\'m having issues with your .craft files. At first it was a \'missing part\' warning, but it turned out I hadn\'t properly installed the C7 basic pack, so that fixed that. Now, though, I\'m having an issue where they fall apart before I get a chance to launch. I\'m sure I installed everything (and if I hadn\'t, wouldn\'t it just give me \'missing part\' warnings instead of loading but falling apart?), so it\'s not that...
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