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Everything posted by Cantharus

  1. That worked! The descriptions save now. Even just re-saving Apollo x with a different name worked for the same exact craft build. I am not sure what I did to muck it up in the first place, but thanks to your solution we are back on track! Thanks and keep up the good work!
  2. Diazo, Awesome addon! Like many others, I use it to create very realistic control panels for my crafts! I have run into a small problem since 1.25. My actions created in the editor save, but they lose the group names (descriptions) whenever I load another craft in the editor or exit the current game and reload the craft. The AGExtEditor.cfg does have "name = editor" in it and there are no apparent errors in the output_log.txt. Here is what (the first few lines of) the AGExtEditor.cfg looks like before switching crafts or exiting (note "‣001TWR JETT"): name = editorVAB6511211110810811132120 { name = Apollo x currentKeyset = 1 groupNames = ‣001TWR JETT and then after re-loading: name = editor VAB6511211110810811132120 { name = Apollo x currentKeyset = 1 groupNames = Let me know if you need additional info to diagnose. Thanks!
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