Diazo, Awesome addon! Like many others, I use it to create very realistic control panels for my crafts! I have run into a small problem since 1.25. My actions created in the editor save, but they lose the group names (descriptions) whenever I load another craft in the editor or exit the current game and reload the craft. The AGExtEditor.cfg does have "name = editor" in it and there are no apparent errors in the output_log.txt. Here is what (the first few lines of) the AGExtEditor.cfg looks like before switching crafts or exiting (note "‣001TWR JETT"): name = editorVAB6511211110810811132120 { name = Apollo x currentKeyset = 1 groupNames = ‣001TWR JETT and then after re-loading: name = editor VAB6511211110810811132120 { name = Apollo x currentKeyset = 1 groupNames = Let me know if you need additional info to diagnose. Thanks!