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Everything posted by Arugela

  1. Best I can do are screencaps. The video software would definetly stop me from being able to do things like click on presets to folow prograde etc. BTW, this took like 5+ hours to do. It's lags so heavy I'm easily getting 20-30 real seconds per in game second during live flight or worse. It's ridiculously slow! I'm really hoping some of these upcoming updates let me fly this closer to normal in the near future. ---------------------------------------------------- I didn't get this picture in high graphics. (is there a way to make them do that while playing in low graphics mode?. This would be one of the first games i've played without that feature.) But here is Jebediah at the base of the Orion planting his flag! It's orange because the lag didn't let me maneuver fast enough and I turned on Ignore heat cheat and skimmed 60km on kerbin on the way out. It's avoidable when flying without lag. Hard to turn up in super lag! Higher Res Photos: Full High Res: Both Need lighting on the top... If only I had installed some. That would have looked alot nicer. ^This large version of this last pick is now my desktop background! 8)
  2. Vehicles: https://www./folder/lnzoupx4r2jku9i,2o1834cvsg8pjq2,7191l6i5gmhkfai/shared<- Updated versions. Base model, Boosters, and version with boosters installed. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/136120-StarCitizenReplicas-The-Orion!?p=2245048&viewfull=1#post2245048<- Version 2.0 http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/122519-starcitizenreplicas-the-orion/&do=findComment&comment=2297919 (1.0.5) Version 3: New version of the ship. Almost done! http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/136120-StarCitizenReplicas-The-Orion!?p=2263041&viewfull=1#post2263041<-The Orion Rover http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/136120-StarCitizenReplicas-The-Orion!?p=2279215&viewfull=1#post2279215<-(1.0.5)The Orion Retriever x13 Plus http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/136120-StarCitizenReplicas-The-Orion!?p=2301901&viewfull=1#post2301901<- (1.0.5)New prototype head for ship. It makes it look more like the real front of the Orion. But it's not quit symmetrical like it is. ***My Initial tests with the main Orion vessel were done with a bad physics file and didn't pick up the problems with the nose tilting to the degree it is. I will fix this after 1.0.5 or 1.1 if the performance has improved enough! *I will also be redoing the top third of the craft when the new cargo bays come out to fit the retreiver properly. I think I've stabilized this enough to share it here. It may still need electric chargeing, communications items, lights, science, probes, and other cargo. It may also need 4 Kerbodyne S3-144000 tanks moved to adjust the center of mass if needed. And more/better RCS. The Target base weight(no cargo or ore) was 3,720tons. Target Cargo is 600tons to go with the 600 units of cargo on the actual Orion. And it holds 1440 tons of ore. It's primarily designed for smaller planet hops on places smaller than Kerbin. So it should be able to pull that weight if needed. It's also supposed to act like a flying orbital station, and it designed to hop from place to place instead of doing a straight shoot everywhere. If you make sure to go to good destination land and mine/refuel you can get a lot farther. It should be able to get to almost everywhere in the SS. I have yet to test it's landing but I should be used on the lightest planet if possible. It may land on larger ones if needed. And by hopping to small moons you can refuel and use it as a permanent refueling station and keep them anywhere in the solar system. Albeit the game can not run it easily atm. I'm hoping with the 1.1 update some of these issues will be eleviated. The basic idea is to fly to Minmus and fuel and then head off into the Solar System! If it has enough Delta V to make it to the moon and you can make it to your next destination, knock your socks off! Maybe I will fly one to Minmus fill it up then stick in GSO above the Kerbals home base! Tip: You can get a little more deltaV by emptying all of the front fuel. Those are for refueling other ships and eventually probes for the Orion. As you are going to refuel on minmus you do not need those tanks full. Especially since it does not use monopropellant for RCS. This saves 66 base tones of weight. There is a picture with the Orion with a human next to the side of the ship. I think if I put a kerbal there it might be to actual kerbal scale compared to humans. The actual Orion is 170m tall. This is 55m tall. And beware your boosters may blow up after you decouple them! 8) But they usually do it at a safe distance from the ship. Makes great fireworks! Edit: I'm currently testing wether I can land on minmus with the boosters attached. Very laggy and slow to test unfortunately. If that is possible you could keep them on hope once or twice to get on laythe, and even possibly eve, moho, or orbit kerbol! (Nvm! You would have to add mining equipment to the boosters and some fuel lines possibly to use the rest of the fuel in the main body. But you could add them!) Edit: BTW, is DeltaV still calculated: ISP*9.81*LN(MaxWeight/EmptyWeight)? Particularly the 9.81 multiplier. Either way. Here's hoping for massive performance boosts in 1.05 and 1.1! Stats: Parts: 1,401 Base Takeoff Weight: 3,740.4t (3,720t intended) Max weight: 5,760t Max weight no Ore 600t Cargo: 4,320t Max weight no Cargo Max ore: 5,200t approx. Max DeltaV no cargo/ore: 3,315 approx. (ISP 340) Max DeltaV max weight: 1,750 approx. (ISP 340) Max DeltaV MaxCargo no Ore: 2,610 approx. (ISP 340) Max DeltaV no Cargo Max ore: 2012/1864 approx. (ISP 340/315) Height: 55.2m Width: 22.8m Length: 22.8m Electric Charge: 49,030 Mono Propellant: 4,200 Liquid Fuel: 219,290 Oxidizer: 261,910 Ore: 144,000 Total Torque: 5760 (192 Large reaction wheels.) + other (probe core, 2 cockpits, etc.) Crew: 42 With Boosters: (Differences) Parts: 2,001 BaseTakeoffweight: 15,800.8 (3,740.4t + 12,060.4t) BoostStage DeltaV (Max): 2,987.666 Approx. (ISP 315) Total Thrust for stage: 272,000 Height: 75m Width: 22.8m Length: 22.8m Liquid Fuel: 1,100,570 Oxidizer: 1,339,030 Shortcuts: Abort: empty all Ore containers Lights: Toggle Arming (Advanced Grabbing Unit) 1x on each nose of Mk3 cockpits. 1: Toggle Rhino Engines: 40,000thrust 20 total(4x5) 2: Toggle Mammoth Engines: 40,000thrust 10 total(2x5) 3: Toggle Mainsail Engines: 12,000thrust 8 total(4x2) 4: Toggle Skipper Engines: 5,200thrust 8 total(4x2) 5: Toggle Poodle Engines: 5,000thrust 20 total(4x5) 6: Stop Feul Cell x40 <- This is to be used when monopropellant is full. 7. Start Fuel Cell xAll + ISRU Start all (LF+OX, LF, OX, Mono) 8. Stop Fuel Cell xAll + ISRU Retract Converter xAll (LF+OX, LF, OX, Mono) 9. Toggle Drill xAll 10. Start Surface Harvest + Start Asteroid Harvest xAll Drills Pics: Without boosters: With Boosters: (Old version) Because I think it looks cool! >< Actual Images of The Orion: Ok, maybe not truly to scale(Maybe according to kerbal to human height ratio! KTHR?!). But I think it's close. I think the Kerbals might actually be to scale to normal humans from the looks of this picture. BTW, those real cockpits look exactly like some cockpits I've seen in mods. Mods could really spruce this thing up. Replace the 42 crew with the actual 6 crew this thing has and use the extra space or weight for stuff. And, sadly, I don't have the stuff to make it spin! That would really finish this thing off! 8d Here are some alternative layouts for the Orion. These is not the ones I used to make this. 8) Although similar to my testing vehicles when I started. I knew I should have made the Ore containers dockable. But it's a pain to do so I avoided it. Maybe if 1.1 has stuff to make stuff docked off the runway... I will have to add these lights in to make it more accurate. And give some lighting while you mine! Those mines get dark! oO
  3. You can have public domain and still sell something. The point is that you can't restrict others from selling it... Why would it make them unemployed. Public domain doesn't mean no profit or sales... The point here is to make it more educational. In fact the very point of public domain is education and spreading of ideas/knowledge.
  4. I'm currently working a very large 5-10kton vessel and the reason I would want one is parts counts. I was using up to 384 large reaction wheels to spin the craft. This is very bad for stability and lag. And annoying to strut down properly if even possible. so it would help tremendously. Making a 120 torque rotation wheel would allow me to get it down to 96 parts. It would be a huge help to large ships and big stagings. It could even be very power hungry and help. Maybe if they make two 3.75 version. A thinner one with 60 and a double thikness one with 120. Also a 1.25m Ion would be fantastic. If it scaled to the smaller one and maybe was more power hungry it would be great. Say 50-60\66 thrust. It would wonderful for larger ships and stations. Or can a 2 thrust ion move a 1k plus vehicle or space station for turning? And they have a limit on the size of the VAB and SPH now. So it's not an endless cycle. You are limited by practicality. So with that change it is now feasible to support the larger parts more. They can only get so tall now! My vehicle is currently capped by a height of 75m made up primarily of 3.75m parts. It can't get much taller. There is literally only a few meters or tens of meters left below the vehicle with the nose all the way up at the max position. So I can't do much more with it. That solves that whole issue of endless expansion. And my ship is basically a flying space stations that will have probes and stuff for setting up planetary utilities. It fits what the larger stuff is for. It's just a mining ship that can land on smaller bodies and refuel and get setup for other ships to dock and refuel a little. Bigger landing struts would be great too!
  5. This game misses the on obvious thing that could properly make it educational. Make it a Public domain project! Make licensing where everyone can work on the code so it's also good for real programming classes and make a separate mode that is for programming and anything that can be turned into and make stuff to help teachers program from that end also. Like unloading stuff for students in a classroom to do their coding from scratch. Or even physics teachers to do the same or chemists etc. Once you treat it like a giant programming tool you can do anything! This would also make the game code publicly viewable and create the best environment for the greatest and fastest work and resolve that issue. As everyone could also help and get to learn from the work being done. So even if sqaud does the physical programming for the main(current) game mode of the game they get the advantage of learning from the entire community and their own game as well. A little more like gaming and programming communities were a few decades ago. This would help everyone no all sides in everyway. And the separate mode, if only one, could be usable for everything and step up for various things and programmed and designed by everyone! Then just set up a basic license allowing everyone to use the code simplify the situation down and allow yourselves to still sell the game for cheap to keep the project going. Then if you need to put up a donation box to boot if needed and be on your way. As it's a public domain project(I used the term loosely as it doesn't literally have to but you could.) it may very well make itself and even help make the base game as there would be the widest array of examples. It could also be set up to allow all other game developers(past present and future.) to use all the code freely to help get rid of certain issues and help everyone write code! If not this could be something to do with the game after it's completely. If you don't want the benefits earlier that is. Either way I think it's a cool idea and something that should be done somewhere. I just hope the baseness and greed rampant in the world doesn't still make a thing like this impossible(Which legally is impossible in the U.S. but there is a lack of education to know this. 8\) . You would think being backed up by NASA there could be potential hope and means though! ;p
  6. Yep, it is now clickable. I thought by reading that stuff originally it was a different issue. Interesting. I think that is why I miss a lot of linux fixes. Any idea what the best value would be for linux. One thread said 2 and another 10. Is one of them better from peoples experience or another value possibly? Edit: OK, it worked on the runway but stopped when I fired my engines and increased the lag! 8) I have it set at 10 atm. Definitely an improvement though! And I can oddly set it to Stability assist now after it's more laggy. But I can't set back to prograde or other options. Edit2: found a workaround. Cut engines real quick and change then put them back on. Seems to work now! 8) This on top of the mouse changes seems to have fixed the issue. And if that doesn't work I can also push the button on my mouse to make increase DPI and it seems to work when other things dont.
  7. Holding it down does not work from what I have tried. And I have tried a lot of times! 8) will look at the thread you posted. Any idea how to change the mouse polling in fedora. The stuff from the ubuntu instructions don't work in fedora. I can't find anything on it either. This didn't work though:
  8. What is the mouse polling rate? And should I increase it or decrease it. And it only fails to work for the indicated navbal buttons. It might be something weirder. Something that might pass on to the next interface. Everything else I can use all mouse features with even in massive lag.
  9. I don't know if this is something solvable outside of removing parts or waiting for an update to improve performance. But when the game gets too laggy you can only highlight the prograde marker and other SAS presettings. Could this be called a bug. Is it something they could eventually program around to make it more likely to work in high stress situation? Currently I can generally get it to get the red highlight. But if you click it never takes the commands or changes green after clicking in very laggy situations. It stop responding to seemingly left click commands for some reason. this actually happens on several things on the interface. The only usable things are generally keyboard commands. Which all work well but are delayed from lag. Actually, testing this, It seems to only be the navball... So maybe it is something that could be considered a bug. Even the button on the navbal to make it slide down or up and be visible works. It's only the buttons inside the navball that are hidden when it is closed that are affected from what I can tell. It's not the mouse itself as I can use all other mouse features like zoom and rotate with right mouse. I can also click everything and it works, albeit slowly from lag. This is something I have actually noticed for a long time. It is the single biggest problem I get when making really really large ships.(which I do almost exclusively) Although I haven't consciously tested it until now. Clicking presets for SAS is the single most important thing in large ships I build. It is the larges problem I encounter from interface like issues out of all bugs in the game. It is a certainty after so much lag is reached. I've basically just clicked everything else in the game on the interface and the only things affected are literally the RCS, SAS, and preset buttons. The presets gain a highlight from hover but cannot be turned green to change them.. The RCS and SAS don't havea highlight from what I can tell and also can't be manually clicked to change them. I have to use keyboard shortcuts. This unfortunately leaves the SAS presets out of actions(Stability assist, prograde, retrograde, etc). The surface to orbit window even works. And it works faster than almost anything else in the entire interface. So it's just those 3 things. The two buttons and the SAS preset buttons. I'm using linux x64 with 64 bit KSP via steam. Fedora 22 x64 Gnome desktop as is default with Fedora 22 8 gigs ram (1600) 560ti 384 core 1gig Vid card. 256 SSD main drive. (game is on this as is other game software related to KSP and steam.) 750 Raid 10(not relevant really to the game.) Phenom II 1100t (running default settings with the ability to overclock itself to 3.7 as are the settings in the default auto OC features.) GB-970A-D3 Rev1.0 mobo. (I think it's on firmware version 12. I could be wrong though.) Here is my craft file if you want to reproduce this level of lag. (1600 parts) http://www./download/fn5cltcahfltj4b/The_Orion_Basic_wBooster%284%29.craft<- Canpt type a period after this postions without it defaulting back to the end of the hyperlinked text(That is positions below this hyperlink in black).(this is a new error withing this error report.) I also can't hit enter after a hyperlink on this forum and start typing without it being like this. Even after several lines. These are two potential differnent bugs I just ran into. The latter I run into alot. The former is new with the period button.(.)<- period button. This is why there is no period at the end of the below black lettered sentence. This happens on all large ships for me.<- It has magically stopped. Leaving info for posterity and error correcting. Previously if I typed a period it would be at the end of .craft(.)<-"position noted" if I tried to put the period after the work me at the end of the first sentence in this paragraph.
  10. Another question. I am now trying to figure out everything related to my reaction wheels as they seem to be part of the problem. I have a small part of them exposed to the outside of the fuel tanks in the middle of the vehicle. Does this expose them to more force while flying than they would otherwise if they were completely sunk into the vehicle. I had to strut them adding parts and weight. Would sinking them more correctly, and completely into a fuel tank get rid of all forces on the part and stop wobbling while flying? Or do you still need to strut stuff stacked hidden inside the surface of a vehicle. BTW, I'm not going the opposite direction anymore. Wether from struting the reaction wheels or flying safely. But asking to finish fixing more stuff related to the issue. It still causes slight deviation in my path. Although I've managed to fix it after getting up farther.
  11. Does anyone know if they are planning to add more reaction wheels? In fact, will they also be adding new bigger landing gear also? Particularly the non wheel variety.
  12. I've been trying to build a really big 3k-10k ton vehicle. It's going fairly well except for the fact I have to use large reactions wheels in the range of 400 parts to get a proper torque to control the vehicle. This leads to several problems including wobbling and an inability to strut them all down(the wobbling). This game needs a new XL 3.75 reaction wheel to help with larger craft. This would be the size of the Kerbodyne S3-14400 tanks. I'm really curios why it doesn't already exist. they have the standard but no convenient way to control it. 1. Should it exist.(I really need one atm!) 2. Why doesn't it already. The introduction of a 3.75 reaction wheel would reduce my parts count from 384 to only 96 parts(Assuming 120 torque.).... This is sorely needed. I'm making a giant mining/space station modeled after a ship from another game. It works very well except for this aspect for the most part. And you need that many to get good turn ability. The parts count reduction would obviously help the ship for the other reasons and make it much more flyable and less laggy from performance issues also. I have no idea why there isn't one already. It would be easy to make visually. It would be like the 3.75 decoupler but fatter more than likely and appropriate stats. It should be one of the easiest things to add to the game. All the parts of that size even have the same aesthetic. So, easy peasy!
  13. One of the problems is, as I have finally discovered, is that I have 384 large reaction wheels and they are not properly struted(and I'm not sure if they can be). They wobble a bit and make it impossible to maneuver properly. I'll have to see what happens now that I have strutted them a bit. Are they going to add a new reaction wheel the size of the Kerbodyne S3-14400 tank. The game could use one. It should probably have 120 torque and simple 4x the stats(assuming double the diameter) or whatever is appropriate for the size increase to the diameter or however it works. I have to use too many parts for size of the ship and it really needs the torque. Any idea why one of these is not in game yet? I have strutted some of it down but the inner stuff still has a lot of wobble more than likely and I keep deviating slightly from my ideal path in flight.. I wonder how much of this is the reason for my shakes after I get in orbit with full thrust. Here are the updated craft files. I have more parts on the main ship and I put wings on the boosters. http://www./download/kd21hsksdmki1w5/The_Orion_Basic_wBooster%283%29.craft <- With Boosters http://www./download/fdwhpek32w1yd55/The_Orion_Basic%282%29.craft <- Without Boosters
  14. I have an interesting question. If you use two reaction wheels. One on top of the other. And one is turned using the rotation tool to face the opposite direction and sitting on the exact same space as the other one, so they are completely stacked but facing opposite directions, will they double the reaction power or nullify each other? My testing indicates they do not nullify each other. But is there anything else to this?
  15. Do nose cones reduce drag now? I read a while back they don't do anything. so far I have been flying with some on and I don't think it's doing much.. I'm confused how it works as I have more drag lines than exposed surfaces. It's like it creates drag in the middle of the plane even with no airflow. I was also reading something about struts causing lots of lag. But that it only occurs on the parent part. I wonder if it would help to reverse my struts and start them on the fuselage instead of the ore containers. Before Cones! After Cones: Does anyone see a difference? Besides the kerbals faces. I only see a little less fuel in the one with cones. Probably from the extra parts.
  16. If I put fairings around all of those ore tanks would it get rid of the drag? I wonder if I could put some around those hub parts to make it look like a fuselage. Or A big one around the engine pod to give it the proper aesthetics. Do large fairings make a lot of lag or are they a good parts count reducer if used heavily?
  17. If I put nosecones on some of the forward/upward facing surfaces would they work if I also sunk them in or do they have to be above other surfaces and be exposed?
  18. Yea, I've been adjusting by using the follow prograde button to stear. I tilt it 5 degrees at start then follow prograd and let it fall naturally. It seems to work really well. At 10k or more I change from surface to orbital velocity and it changes the prograde marker and it follows it. Kind of like an auto pilot. It seems to be working so far. I've given up stearing in atmosphere. And yes I must keep the shape. It is a replica ship of "The Orion" that is going to be in Star Citizen. Here are the latest save files. I fixed some issues with it. Though I added more parts. I might need to thin out some of those struts. https://www./folder/phyp96txcn9o8af,01tduvwnor4go4u/shared It still needs coms, science, probes, and other cargo. But I can't get my computer to take more parts. BTW, would adding nosecones or something on the forward/upward facing side of those containers reduce drag(Or reduce drag in a way meaningful to getting into orbit.). I'm not sure what the current calculations are for drag to tell how much stuff affects it. I don't know if it's good to take struts off or add something to see if it alleviates it and gets me into orbit faster. I don't currently have any nosecones no this ship. the only thing similar are two CLAWS on the front of the ship to grab asteroids. And I don't think they help with that.... Or do they? I forgot to add tail fins to the boosters. I'll have to add those next and see what they do. And I'm aware the angle is steep. I oops. I put the pick up though to demonstrate the drag lines for the question about nosecones.
  19. Yea, it could be an issue of me flying wrong. I fly full power and angle. I don't do anything more complicated. Although there were a lot of structural stuff I have since solved on the new build. I have basically only flown space planes since I started playing. So I'm used to burning full speed to gain an apoapsis. I haven't really learned any of the subtleties of rocket flight. I'm flying it now trying to maintain a lower surface velocity and a lot of the problems are not there for now. Although I'm still early in a test flight.
  20. I'll be adding more reaction wheels on the tear down. I'm actually burning from the center. The top has 1/3 of the total fuel and the boosters 2/3 of the total fuel on launch. They are very condensed. There are actaully 9 total tanks directly in the same position and 2 of those layered in a set of 4 boosters. I'm testing again with extra struts. Hopefully it helps. But I need to get to faster speeds to see if it acts up again when the tanks are closer to empty. (Edit3: I'm hitting around 700m/s surface velocity and the boosters are trying to go all over the place. The struts linking them together seem to be holding, but I don't know if their internal struts not holding together individually or what. I'll have to figure out how to make them more stable possibly. Basically once the boosters are half way through their bottom tanks they start to flail...Edit4: On the upside 1200+ parts explosions are very entertaining! 8p) It's a little laggy to fly. It's takes a while to do test flights sadly. I'm not running hardware that is that good. I'm surprised more people can't run this sort of thing. It's that or because I always build craft this bit I'm used to always flying in lots of lag... Specs: Fedora 22 x64(Linux) Phenom II 1100t 8gigs 1600mhz ram (2x4gig) 256gb SSD main drive Nvidia 560ti 1gb 384 core edition 750gb raid 10 (6x250gb drives. Random old drives and somewhat slow write because of differences.) It could be the SSD helping...
  21. I fly for a bit and start to get around 10km in a very large rocket. I'm flying around 60 degrees with the indicator at about 45 degrees. After a while the ship uncontrollably starts going the other direction. I can't figure out why.. It eventually returns directly the opposite direction to 90 degrees then goes the other way and I loose all control. I can't seem to isolate it. Has anyone run into this problem. I'm not sure if it's an engine issue or some weird structural issue or what. I'm lost atm. The ship is very symmetrical. So I'm not really understanding where the force is coming from. I think the fuel is draining evenly. So I don't think that is it. And it has happened on several version of the craft. I have big boosters on and it doesn't do this without them. But I don't know if that is the boosters or the boosters bringing the issue out and it isn't seen because of other issues... If I put SAS on retrograde I can kind of stop it but It's hard to figure out. If I do maintain direction it seems to slowly rotate while doing so... I'm pretty sure the engines are even though. Unless they are misplaced up farther. The only other thing I can think of is that they are so stacked up that they are blocking each other randomly and throwing off the general direction of thrust somehow. Warning: 1100+ parts ship. http://www./download/e3a6y81oaey541n/The_Orion_Mining_Spaceship_Basic.craft Also, does anyone know which way an arrow should be pointing on a decoupler? Away from the main craft of towards it. I"m using TR-38-D. Edit: I just noticed. As my fuel drops and my velocity increases, even though they are strutted, they seems to be moving wildly around. I had put struts to stop this. But this doesn't necessarily explain why it goes in one direction sometimes. Or does it? Maybe the boosters aren't stable on their own... I can't tell but some of the struts may have broken. It's night time while I'm testing it. But the problems primarily start while the struts are definitely still attached. Edit2: I'm adding another layer of those struts between the boosters on the upper tanks to see if it helps. Hopefully it works, but I don't think it's the whole problem. Also, I'm doing a tear down and rebuilding the middle and engine sections soon. So I can get rid of lots of little structural issues this thing has and test out a new layout to connect the middle and back sections. Hopefully that make sit more sound structurally.
  22. It's not moveable. It's not an object or a real strut. It is really that oversized. It's directly over the electrical stuff. I moved the screen around in all directions to confirm it. It's really that big. And I can't play with the craft file now. It was compromised. I wonder if it is related. It all went 0 stats and the name of the file won't load. I can't do anything with it anymore. It stopped showing when I removed a green strut that similarly was attached in a way that was only attached at one end. it seems to help point that out. I just don't know if it's from the mod(which I removed all the files too.) or something else from the game. Here is the broken craft file if it helps. You can't find the strut anymore. I had since fixed the thing it indicated. http://www./download/t44yelgms8hi8e7/Orion_resource_test.craft
  23. The IRSU Convert currently has a toggle to deploy and retract if I'm not mistaken. But it does not have a Toggle for each resource activation. This may not seem like it is needed to some but it would be very useful in condensing and controlling mining operation practically. Then I could set resources to stop and start individually without starting or stopping the converters as a whole much more reasonably, potentially, given the number of shortcuts. This would save lots of time and possibly hassle and make the equipment more versatile for the user. To be clear this item could use a toggle for all 4 individual resources available, LF+OX, LF, OX, MP. As is to use them all I need 5 shortcuts. This could condense it to only 4 as I could turn them on and off and leave the converter on in essence. For large spacecraft with lots of converters and other items that need shortcuts(ones in large numbers like solar panels and or feul cells) you need all the shortcuts you can get.
  24. I guess. But It could use data on the actual dimensions so we have an easier time summing up the length for builds in some cases. The exact length and other dimension of parts could be useful depending on how a ship is being built. And knowing that(or it being more easily accessible) might make it easier to build certain things. Sometimes knowing how much weight you are putting into a certain frame of your ship can help you plan ahead of time. We already have thrust per weight. This is kind of just as important a piece of data. And it is not available easily or that easily derived for builds. People might figure out how to distribute the mass of the ship better in various ways and come up with better and more interesting deigns if it's easier to figure out.
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