Hello community. I found something interesting about this 64 bit career bug. Basically to play career on 64 bit KSP it requires some effort but it is worth it you can quit to main menu open KSP folder and change your save file (in ksp\saves\save name\persistent) add value of building upgrade and subtract funds required to upgrade building. It is quite simply: 1.Quit to main menu 2.Open persistent file with notepad in ksp folder\saves\save name 3.Find part with facilities upgrades information(scroll about 2/5 of file) 4.Change value from 0 to 0.5 for 2 lvl and to 1 for 3 lvl 5.Subtract upgrade value form your funds (below contracts info) 6.Save file close it and load save in ksp. Buildings will look as 3 lvl even on 2 lvl but they will have abilities of 2 or 3 lvl buildings. Some bugs may happen when you break order of upgrades(some buildings need other ones upgrade to upgrade them so be carefull). It works for me hope it will work for you too