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Everything posted by absentmindedtiger

  1. Is it or Would it be possible to have, as an alternative means of getting into space, a Giant Space Cannon, ala Projects HARP & Babylon? It'd need it's own construction hanger and launch site, maybe by upgrading it you'd get bigger and bigger sized procedural-Fairings style bullets that you'd be strictly limited to and not be allowed to be bigger than as well as a weight requirement. And probably you wouldn't be allowed to send Kerbals up in it, but you could use it to fire parts into space, which you'd then catch with a ship already up there waiting to put stations together without needing lots of rockets or fling supplies out to your life-support dependent ships or etc. Anyway, if this would even remotely work with KSP's physics, does anyone else think this would be a good idea for an Add-On?
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