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    Curious George
  1. Well, I attempted to launch my Venus IV rocket, but even my GTX 765M 2GB GDDR5 couldn't handle the sheer shize of it.
  2. I was playing EVE Online one day and one of my corp mates told me about this game. Checked it out, played the demo and decided to buy it.
  3. Are you a passionate astrophysicist, or a nerd who's passion is astronomy? Don't understand which planet is which, but you perfectly understand our solar system? Then you have come to the right place! In our Solar System, celestial objects are organized in this order (from left to right): Sun - Mercury - Venus - Earth - Mars - Jupiter - Ceres etc, This order translates into the KSP world as: Kerbol - Moho - Eve - Kerbin - Duna - Jool - Eoloo General info Kerbol is a dwarf sun, having a petite diameter for a proper sun. Moho is the closest planet to the Sun in the Kerbol system. Eve is admired by the Kerbals, due to its purple hue. Its moon is Gilly. Kerbin is the homeworld of Kerbalkind, and their base of operations. It has two moons: Mun and Minmus. Duna is the analog of Mars, covered by red sands and polar icecaps at its Poles. Ike is Duna's moon. Jool is a gargantuan gas giant, having a green tint and 5 moons currently orbiting it, Eoloo is the farthest planet in the Kerbol system, and it has the aspect of a dirty snowball. Credits to the KSP wiki and the wonderful people that edited it. Hope this miniguide is helpful, for more details visit the wiki.
  4. The farthest celestial object that I have managed to reach so far is the Mun. I'm so pathetic that I can't even reach Minmus, and even if I get into orbit around the Sun I just run out of fuel whilst attempting to perform a maneuver. Yes, I did watch Scott Manley's videos and other ones too, but they just usually babble about something called Delta V and they go into the math and I lose their point. I'm good at math and physics, but I don't seem to really understand astrophysics and these orbiting mechanics. With that said, can anybody please give me a step-by-step guide of going to another planet like, say, Eve?
  5. After countless attempts of building rockets, I usually get something gargantuan, huge and so on. When I launch them, they're, well, not designed properly (I'm a newbie to this game, you see) and they end up getting blown to bits in atmosphere, or they run out of fuel etc. The only successful extraterrestrial mission that I have completed so far is the lunar landing on the Mun, using the Munokhod I (credits to a friend of mine). Anyways, I dream of landing on Duna, Eve, Jool and all those other cool planets, but I have no idea of how to create ships capable of interplanetary travel. Could somebody please help me out here? I could really use a good, sturdy ship. -Cyber
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