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Everything posted by Rixram

  1. Okay, so in the instructions, it reads:"This file should be located in the same folder as the executable. As this program is quite young, I tested some popular mods, and actualize the exceptions list accordingly, but I didn't test all of them." As the ksp.exe, in the game data folder....where? Do I need to drop it into each mod folder? Somewhere else? Sorry, but I'm not a coder/programmer/IT specialist, and are just trying to play a game. I'd loveto try this to improve my gaming experience, but I need more in the way of instructions. Maybe some instructions more for those of us that have computers as appliances...Thanks.
  2. I have KSP on my regular computer. My son has a Chromebook that he travels back and forth to his mother's with. Yes, I realize that this is not a good platform for running KSP, but how would I even install KSP on his chromebook? It uses the Chrome OS, and steam is not supposedly compatable. Being the inventive types on this forum, has someone found a way to install KSP on the Chrome OS on a Chromebook? I am willing to scale his graphics down to cut processor load, but just getting it to install is the key. Any suggestions? Yes, I HAVE searched the forums, but I am not enough of a tech type to really even know what I'm looking for, from the technical aspect. Not a programmer type. Willing to experiment, but not even sure where to start.
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