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  1. Yes, I use TweakScale. I scaled the battery bank from 1.25m to 2.5m and it's mass is 2.199023E+11 in the save file. Can I change the mass without the bug showing up again or do i need to remove the mod?
  2. This time it's even heavier: http://puu.sh/dQAy7/a5dbc891e9.jpg
  3. I'm trying to deorbit the station and I've got a few kerbals on board. The station always has enough power. I also use KER and it's mass calculator says the station weighs 27,487,791,120,192kg.. that's pretty much? The vessel info screen in map view also says it's kinda heavy.
  4. So, I have a single-module space station stuck in a ~125km orbit around Kerbin. RCS, SAS or the main engine has no effect in the craft's rotation or orbit. I use a bunch of mods (0.25); FAR, B9 Aerospace, KW Rocketry, RT2, Station Science and other smaller mods.
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