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    Curious George
  1. That is what I figured. In that case, I do think the current position is the best. So unless you get requests from someone else to re-position it, don't waste the dev time on the config file for me. Also, I did notice how the readout appearance was similar to KER. Really clean and professional.
  2. Just a suggestion, look at how Kerbal Engineer Redux does its HUD implementation. It is fully configurable and allows you to re-position the HUD wherever you want it, enable/disable background, and pick and choose what information you do/don't want to see. That may be more development than you are willing to take on for a simple mod like this, but I just wanted to point out that you will never find one place on the screen that will please everyone (for example, I place Blizzy's Toolbar right where In-Flight Waypoints 1.2.4's text appears). Also a small feature request if possible: Along with the Distance and ETA, could you add Heading to the currently selected waypoint. I generally use MechJeb's Smart A.S.S. or Spaceplane Guidance to lock in my heading, and it would save me from having to estimate the heading from the Navball and then making adjustments to get it just right.
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