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Everything posted by Xwingace

  1. Twice now I've sent a vessel to the Mun to extract ore to fulfill a contract, and both times after switching to the survey scanner to find a spot to land, the ship just disappears. What's up with that? It was in a stable orbit around the Mun both times.
  2. 800m is right on target, good job. Are you putting any solar panels on your craft? That would solve your battery problem.
  3. Lots of debris in orbit, I'd like to get rid of it but the only way I can see is selecting each one individually. Is there an easier way?
  4. Oh well, now I know how NASA feels when one their probes goes dark. Laythe thank you, I've never done that but how hard could it be?
  5. Everything's on in the tracking station, it's gone for sure.
  6. So I had a probe on its way to Duna for a flyby, and I go to the tracking center and it's just... Gone... What's the deal with that? It had plenty of power and fuel, and the engine wasn't even running it was just coasting. Very frustrating as it had been in flight for nearly a year already. Anyone else have this happen?
  7. Back in college my friends and I had a bunch of bottle rockets so we went out and got some of those balsa gliders from the drugstore. We nipped the warheads off the rockets and hot glued them to the fuselages of the gliders. We staged them so when the first rocket lit up it would light the fuse of the next one. We tried single, double, and triple stage gliders this way. You wait until the fuse has burned out almost nothing and then toss it, the rocket kicks in and there you go. Most of them would veer off wildly and crash pretty quickly, and one did a spectacular immleman came right at us. The best was a three stage job that worked perfectly, it went on a nice climbing glide at a shallow angle and flew a couple of hundred yards out over the field we were doing this at. Good times!
  8. Thanks for the tips guys! Time to send an orbiter to Minmus...
  9. Is it just me, or is gathering enough science a real problem in 1.0? I'm having to grind out testing mission after testing mission to get little 1 and 3 science point nuggets. I've already gotten pretty much all the science I can orbiting Kerbin and Mun orbit/flybys. Don't get me wrong, I know getting to the Mun isn't supposed to be easy, but it seems pretty tedious.
  10. I've been playing for about a month, and I am soooo hooked. Dear God this game is addictive. The only mod I have so far is mechanical Jeb (love it), can you all recommend any essential others? Thanks, and I'll see you in orbit!
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