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Everything posted by UchuNoSaru

  1. it seems to work i can start a new game with no mod. i will try with mod Thanks a lots
  2. Thank you I tried to desactive anti-aliasing but no change. I wonder if the problem can come from windows and if it's usefull to reinstall or useless?
  3. sorry i didn't precise i used 2.5.6 but the problem is it's crash even without mod manager. thanks
  4. KSP Version: v0.90 What Happens: crash when lauching new game Mods / Add-Ons: none I can start the game fine it's loading even with mod but crash if "module manager.dll" is in the gamedata folder. With or without mod or dll the game crash after the choice of name, flag an difficulty. The thing is ksp 0.25 worked fine. But at the same time a some game seem to give me the same type of crash (shader??) It's quite possible that the problem come more from my pc than the game. (other game crashing dungeon of the endless, the last federation) I tried without antivirus i even disinstalled it to be sure it wasn't in the background and my graphic driver are up to date. link to crashlog of the game freshely installed and dxdiag.txt: https://1fichier.com/?9pdeyeicwk thank you for your time and even more if you can tell me from where come this problem because i have absolutely no idea. (i'am french so, my apologies if my english is strange i hope it's still understandable) It's crash with a fresh install & with a fresh install + mod manager 2.5.6 dll! but not at the same time one on loading/starting a game and the second on loading the game (when the game charge the parts etc) vexx32 Problem resolved work with mod or without and no conflit with mod manager
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