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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. http://imgur.com/jxrWOEZ Simple rocket able to put 30-40 tons into kerbin orbit.
  2. So today I installed about 3-4 new mods, and noticed that when I left click to select an item, it gets selected but when I go to place it on the ship it won't attach. Then I drop it back into items toolbar, and my left click stops working. Meaning I can't save, nor fly or even exit the game through the Icons. Alt+f4 is the only option. If there is a way to fix this, I'd greatly appreciate that. Thanks in Advance.
  3. Lets hope I dont experience that phenomenon first-hand, since I've got already about 10 mods including textures added today. Also thank you for the KSPI thread I'll give it a try in 0.90.
  4. It actually is . I wish I knew about it earlier, Since I'm into building large stations, and sometimes rockets that are a bit to massive. lel It's quite the lifesaver.
  5. Thank you very much! Also I like the "So many mods, so little RAM" quote. lol
  6. I recently searched for the Interstellar Mod, but didn't have any luck finding it. It contains like nuclear reactors/warp drives and such. I had it in the 0.24 version but since deleted that version and forgot to save the mod. If anyone could give me a link or where to download it from that would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance!
  7. My current system is an i5-2500k overclocked at 4.1ghz, with 8gb 1600 ddr3 ram. Starting to build a new system within the next few months.
  8. Thank you for the feedback. It's just i never had this low fps problem on 0.25, But since i updated to 0.90 it happens with large crafts. Also the part count on it isnt that large all combined maybe no more than 400 parts, and thats when i have ships docked to the station. Also i will give Ubiowelding a go see if it helps. Thank you!
  9. I'm currently building Refuel/ Space Station for ships to refuel, and go deeper into space. But I get really bad FPS near the station, so docking becomes quite harder then usual. Is there any way to increase the FPS near large ships/station or no? This is what the station currently looks like, but I have alot more i want to add.
  10. So I'm trying to build a Refuel/Space Station in Kerbin orbit, to refuel and get ships out further, but there is one problem when I do anything near the Station i get about 6 fps...So I'm trying to figure out how to get them a bit higher? It's not that big currently, I have more parts to launch to it. But with the current fps i get its quite impossible.
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