So I've been playing for a while, got a rover or two to Eve, Duna, Minmus, and the Mun, and am currently working on Dres and Jool's satellites. All the "rocket science" stuff fascinates me and I love googling little real-world tidbits as I learn it's KSP analogue. One thing I've always wondered though, is that in every tutorial and video I've seen, from going interplanetary or just an excursion to the Mun, everyone always establishes an LKO before burning for their final destination. In all of my successful attempts so far, I've been skipping any attempt at a Kerbin orbit and just burning to where I want to go immediately. For instance, if I wanted to go to a planet with an orbit larger than Kerbin's I'll launch at sunrise, and just burn my apoapsis all the way to escape velocity to establish an independent solar orbit without every going into a low Kerbin orbit. That way, I'm basically already point where I want to go, and once I'm out of Kerbin's SoI I can fiddle with my solar orbit to get an intersect. So, is there a reason that everyone always orbits Kerbin before blasting off to their other destinations? It seems to me that it's not that inefficient, as you can just burn to escape to convert the energy you used to get into the orbit into whatever direction you want, but it always seemed to be kind of unnecessary to me. Is there a reason? Thanks.