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  1. Ok, here's my player.log file right after a crash: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2i46BjRv4PRQklMSGpJNm9xTGM/view?usp=sharing Could it also be because of the in-game resolution I chose? because I set that to 2560x1440 which is what my monitor is. Thanks guys.
  2. OK, I am not in front of my Mac at the moment, but I will cause another crash and post the log file soon. Thanks much for the replies everyone! I have 48GB of RAM so I don't think I should be running out of that. Albeit, the problem does seem to occur quicker with things like photoshop running in the background.... But yes, will be posting player.log soon.
  3. Is there any more information that I need to include? Thanks guys.
  4. Hi KSP community, I decided to put KSP onto my work Mac Pro to have available when there's time to kill. This is the first time I've installed KSP to a Mac and regrettably I'm already running into issues. I am running on OS X Yosemite with KSP v0.90.0.705 Beta The issue is a little difficult to quantify, but here goes: 1) Once I fly a craft or do anything and hit about the 2nd or 3rd loading screen in my gameplay (usually when recovering a vehicle but not always), the game freezes and/or sometimes crashes to the Desktop instantly. Its hard to replicate the issue and know when it will strike, but I was able to retrieve the following crash report: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2i46BjRv4PRVzBlZnpNYzBBams/view?usp=sharing The Mac Pro is a Hackintosh, but everything else about it seems to operate normally except KSP. Here is my System Information report (i can't seem to find how to export it as an RTF sorry): https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2i46BjRv4PRdm0wWUhpZkUtMVE/view?usp=sharing Just as a summary, the hardware of this machine is: Root drive is Kingston SSD Nvidia GTX 780 Mobo is the Sabertooth x79 from ASUS Thanks everybody. I look forward to enjoying KSP again haha!
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