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Everything posted by laptopman

  1. Windows x64, steam buildid: 00705 2014-12-15_14-29 version 0.90.0 beta Output_log https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/3371497/output_log.txt save file https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/3371497/persistent.sfs I was in flight and ksp crashed, it looks like it was an access error. Now, when I load my save, it says 1 flight in progress (I do have a satellite in orbit), but when I get to the space center, I am unable to enter most buildings. I can enter the kerbal building and the contracts building, but then cannot exit. The clicking on the runway brings up the window and I can select a plane, but clicking launch does nothing. A new save file worked fine. Is there any way to recover my data? I'm going to be really bummed if I lost all that work.
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