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Everything posted by koluch

  1. Thanks for the welcome! Yeah you got me exactly right. Hope this one gets fixed by the Squad soon... By the way wonder what kind of API they expose for plugin developers that might help fixing that before they bother to. Do you have any links I could look at? Koluch.
  2. Hey Claw! Thanks for all the hard work on fixing "stock KSP bugs" I`m here with a rant about the chute bug. I know that the ChuteFixer solves the issue with chutes missing after a quickload, however I hoped so much to have it fixed in a more fundamental way. Scenario: I have a lifter with lots and lots SRB boosters, so I figured I could roleplay Musk and get them all safely landed and recovered, so I packed every booster with 3 chutes and set them to deploy together with the decouplers. Sadly with the boosters going straight up when chutes/decouplers are fired, there soon comes the moment when boosters vertical velocity becomes zero and the chutes are cut. No reusable boosters for me ( and I know they are intended to be resuable - its even in their description! ) The key point is that it should be fixed with just a single line of code that would add a check like "not on the ground" into the check "velocity almost zero" into the code that cuts them. Should I put this rant into the bug description for the relevant bug, what do you think?
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