Hey Claw! Thanks for all the hard work on fixing "stock KSP bugs" I`m here with a rant about the chute bug. I know that the ChuteFixer solves the issue with chutes missing after a quickload, however I hoped so much to have it fixed in a more fundamental way. Scenario: I have a lifter with lots and lots SRB boosters, so I figured I could roleplay Musk and get them all safely landed and recovered, so I packed every booster with 3 chutes and set them to deploy together with the decouplers. Sadly with the boosters going straight up when chutes/decouplers are fired, there soon comes the moment when boosters vertical velocity becomes zero and the chutes are cut. No reusable boosters for me ( and I know they are intended to be resuable - its even in their description! ) The key point is that it should be fixed with just a single line of code that would add a check like "not on the ground" into the check "velocity almost zero" into the code that cuts them. Should I put this rant into the bug description for the relevant bug, what do you think?