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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I had a lot of fun on my sick day from work. https://imgur.com/a/uRWnB#0 Of course this is all fiction. We all know Bill is a wonderful Kerbal and is worthy of all our love and respect.
  2. I believe your right. I will get it moved. Thanks. edit: I have no idea how to delete this thread or any of my posts.
  3. I had a lot of fun on my sick day from work. https://imgur.com/a/uRWnB#0 Of course this is all fiction. We all know Bill is a wonderful Kerbal and is worthy of all our love and respect.
  4. I would love it if there was a mod that allowed you to turn an entire ship into a single part (or less parts). One of my favorite things to do in KSP is to build large stations and moon bases. But after all my ships are in position and/or docked, there ends up being so much lag due to all the parts present, that using the ship for its intended purpose isn't enjoyable. I dont know how to mod, so this might be unrealistic. But if it's possible, I would love to see it.
  5. Thanks Claw! I did use MJ for pretty much everything, except for the landings. For some reason, MJ was treating all the moons like it was accounting for aerobraking or something. Also which i forgot to mention, was my use of Kerbal Joint Reinforcement. Decide what you will. I had a lot of fun on this mission and fun sharing
  6. Craft Name: Science Project Non-Stock Celestial Body: Kerbin, Mun, Minmus, Ike, Bop, & Pol # of Biomes: 50 Kerbin: 9 Mun: 15 Minmus:9 Ike: 8 Bop: 5 Pol: 4 Cost of Mission (including RCS Refueling ship): 2,617,894 http://imgur.com/a/ #1I realized after the fact that EVA reports from the surface where not required. Not Including the surface samples, this little mission would have gave roughly 14,000 Science. In hindsight, I wish I had performed this mission in science mode and not sandbox mode to see exactly how much. Also, On one of the moons, maybe Minmus, when I transferred data in orbit a message saying it could not transfer some data appeared. I'm not sure what happened, but it caused 5 units of data to go missing. So, only 200 (160 without EVA's) units of science where on board after mission instead of 205, plus the 9 landers around Kerbin amounting to 45 (36 without EVA's) I was really hoping to do Gilly. The engineer who forgot to add parachutes is getting fired, that's for sure!
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