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Posts posted by TrevTrevarian

  1. I'm honestly really happy it was human error, I've been trying to figure out how that significant of a difference could be made by such a small change all day and it's been killing me. As far as tips

    for the future, I don't really have anything of particular value as I've never really cared to make a single stage go farther than orbit without refueling. There are a ton of posts all around the forum that have some pretty good tips in them, but with 1.0 I'm not sure how much of it still applies.

  2. The only thing I can think of is some aerodynamic difference, but if they perform relatively the same then that's unlikely, in the 4B I don't see fuel lines running from the outer nacelles to those at the fuselage, I don't see how that would make a difference in the way you're describing, but it's worth investigation. I'm about to check and see if the the structural pylon switch might have been the issue.

    I couldnt find any reason that that would have been the issue, even the structural pylon's advertised lack of crossfeed turned out to be only advertising. Such to say it still has crossfeed. I don't suppose there was any change to your ascent profile? I figure not but its worth asking. Flying the rapiers on rocket mode when they were previously on air breathing or vice versa? Etc. beyond that I'm stumped.

  3. The only thing I can think of is that sometimes when I move fuel tanks, the fuel lines that feed them disconnect. That might explain the big dv loss. Other than that I'm as stumped as you. Exactly what changes were made from the 4B to the 4C?

    Edit: one thought I had is that it might have something to do with lift. The central fuselage might produce more body lift in the first design, although I admit I don't know too much about that and I'm still adjusting to the new aero myself

  4. Yeah I've nearly failed a few classes because of it haha

    Unfortunately they couldn't all land as was the original plan. The landers took more fuel than anticipated so I only had gas for two trips of four each before they wouldn't have been able to return. What are some missions that you've done And liked/been proud of

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