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  1. So in threads about getting satellites into orbits, it's often said to just "match them visually" but I can get all the characteristics of the blue circle correct: periapsis, apoapsis, AN, PN and inclination, but I have no idea what longitude of ascending node or argument of periapsis even are. How can I adjust this part of my orbits?
  2. How do you change the settings? I really don't want to have to add a part given that I'm limited to 30 parts at the moment.
  3. Hello all, I had Kerbal Engineer working on my game, but then I made a new game and I can't get it to show my craft stats when on the launchpad. I tried reinstalling it but to no success. It even asks me if I'd like to check for updates when I start the game, so clearly something is working? Anyhow, can anyone help me fix it? I need my suicide burn figures D:
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