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Posts posted by Nyia

  1. NHawks, 

    I hit you up on github. Added compatibility configs with Space Launch System, stock version. It's my first pull request; I hope I did it right.

    Here's what they look like. Only real 'bug' is that the RL-10B2/C2 bells are expandable (animated), and the plumes' positions are static. So I positioned them where they should be after the bell has expanded, but if they're in their compact state then the plumes' distance from the bell is off. I noticed that RSB has similar expandable upper stages, and the plumes move with the moving bell. Couldn't figure it out though. 


  2. I'd like to also give my congratulations to Sobol. Really love this mod, so I've been trying to do tweaks, specifically building configs for compatibility with RealPlume. Do you mind if I publish my configs to the RealPlume thread, so hopefully the modder will include it in further releases? 

    I also want to confirm similar issues with above posters.

    1. LES model intersects with the docking port, causing the dport to explode every time the LES and shroud fire and separate. I tried using the stock LES and problem was resolved. 

    2. Capsule's drag model (or something) isn't right. On re-entry, the speed isn't bled off in nearly enough time before the overheating catches up with it. Capsule blows up every time. 

    3. Capsule's exterior model is rotated 90 deg with respect to the navball and IVA. 

    On 5/30/2016 at 0:00 PM, tees said:

    model = SpaceLaunchSystem/Command/MPCV/model
    rotation = 0, 270, 0

    This didn't work for me. 

    Also the MainCore end skirt's sep motors aren't firing while the interstage is decoupling from the first stage. Anyone else having this issue?


    But overall I want to use your mod in all of my installs. Thanks for the great work.  

  3. Is this happening to anyone else, where upon loading the pre-built crafts, it's 'assembled' in explosive form? Happened on my live install so I made a clean KSP install with only following mods: Filter Ext, Hangar Ext, KJR, MM, RealPlume, RSB, RealChute, SmokeScreen, and Bizzy's toolbar. Issue persisted across installs. 



  4. 17 hours ago, codepoet said:

    The part that the BZ-52 is on the side of needs to be configured to allow parts attached to the side of it to be passable. But default they are not. Consider if it is reasonable for Jeb to just hack a hole in the side of a module - for many parts this might not make sense.

    If the part that the BZ-52 has "Surface Attached Parts Pass: No" then that is the reason. You can take it up with the author of that part, or just provide you own config to change it. I think there is also a way of changing this in the editor for that part, but I have not played the game for so long now that I am not sure exactly how Papa-Joe made this work.

    Yep, I didn't configure the main hab to allow surface attached passability. Doh! 

    Thanks :D

  5. I'm having an issue with the BZ-52 Radial Attachment Point. The entirety of my craft is passable in-line, but when I surface attach the BZ-52, which says is also passable, the cupola I attach to it branches off a separate living space, inaccessible from the main body of the craft.


    I checked the config code and everything looks right. I even added a surface attach parts passable line just in case, but that didn't work either. 

    Is there a way to surface attach an extension to the living space? 

    Thanks in advance! 

  6. Nathan,

    I see in 8.6 you did a fix for clipping issues, but I'm still getting them. It starts at 1k Km almost exactly, and progressively gets worse as I get closer. Here's an album of it happening around the moon since I already showed it around earth. Notice how the circle moves as I move the camera. The issue seems to be fixed if I change the depth to -1, but only at a distance: -1 really screws with things as I get close.

    I also reproduced this issue on a fresh install with 8.6 and 8.6.1, but it still persists. :confused:

  7. In Flight mode, press alt+G and see what the camera values are at. Do it before and after the problem starts and compare them. It would be the near clip planes, if that's what the problem is.

    The near clip planes all have the same settings, before and after.

    EDIT: After trying altering the numbers, I was able to fix the issue by changing Camera ScaledSpace Depth to -1, but in so doing it makes the planet-side draw distance very short:


    When I change Depth back to -3 (default):


    it goes back to normal on the ground, but up in space it is still messed up. Can't seem to find the happy medium or figure out why default Depth works up until I 'load' the space scene.

  8. Coming up blank on this. 99% of any errors are towards the end and are typical of the 'OnDestroy()' errors you see if someone exits the game (esp. alt+F4)

    Could be a camera clipping plane issue. Will look at it more later :(

    I usually do quit the game by alt+F4, and I did do it in this instance. I think you're onto something with the camera clipping idea. Sometimes when I hit map mode, the camera is embedded inside the planet (or on the blank surface of where Kerbin's surface would be), looking outwards through the atmosphere into space. I just don't understand why it only happens when I leave the pod and come back. Even if I quit the game while everything is fine and come back in, the issue still rears its head.

    Also, it only happens perpendicular to the pod's location at a set radius. The affected areas go back to normal after I get past this radius. :confused:

    Someone else posted this on r/realsolarsystem, and it looks like it's the same issue, but his screenshots show the circular nature more clearly than mine: http://imgur.com/a/hd7SZ#3

  9. That's bizarre.... I kind of have an idea or two of what's happening but not why. My first guess would be that the PQS fade values got munged but I don't think that explains the clouds being affected too.

    Post your output_log.txt file (or player.log if Linux) after recreating the problem and then exiting the game ASAP. (start game, create problem, exit)

    If you're not sure how to find that log



    Here's the output log. Thanks in advance.

  10. As Starwaster has noted, you're trying to dock two spacecraft using two completely different docking systems:

    - The SDHI parachute-equipped Clamp-O-Tron (the one with the yellow stripe) is designed to work with the stock Clamp-O-Tron docking ports.

    - The SDHI parachute-equipped IACBM (the one with the grey stripe) is designed to work with the IACBM dockings ports from my FusTek Station Parts pack.

    Good to know, guess ill have to get the fustek pack then because I like the IACBM too much to not use it. Thanks!

  11. I really enjoy this mod, but I am having a problem with the docking between the IACBM & COT Para. I toggled passive/active, controlled from both docking ports to try to dock with the other, and they simply won't dock to one another. They just collide and bounce off each other.

    I'm hoping this is operator error since it seems like no one else has mentioned this problem and I just can't figure it out. Any help would be much appreciated.

    Pictures here

    Ship setup:

    ALCOR's docking port is the IACBM, which was connected to a stack decoupler housing the cmd module MK1-2's LV-909. I set it up to have the IACBM docking port decouple from the TR-2V stack decoupler (which will decouple from the CM's 909 later). I hit "decouple node," the docking port and stack decoupler separate, and I RCS'd the CM away from the lander with no problem. Then I turn around, get practically perfect alignment, and bounce off on contact. I'm also noticing that when I tell the IACBM to turn its lights off, they won't turn off. Possibly related.

    Running KSP 0.90

    Relevant Mods in scenario:

    animated decouplers



    JSI's RPM

    navyfish's dock align

    real chute

    SDHI (duh)


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