Heey fellow Kerbals! First post on this forum for me I can orbit kerbin easily and can place probes/satellites in orbit around kerbin. So I thought for the next step I would try to reach te Mun. Already made some attempts and getting closer and closer ,but still not one attempt succeeded. My first attempt i reached the right attitude 11.4 mil ,but wasnt even close to the Mun ( 90 degrees off to the north/up....) also i was out of fuel. 2nd time I tried i reached the right attitude with one rocket still 100% fuel, I tried to get my angle right. Got in the same orbit as the Mun ,but the Mun was on the other side.... My last try I got on the right attitude, angle and was only 200k km away from the moon when something went horribly wrong I noticed I was almost out of fuel, so it was gonna be a one way trip i thought. at 30k km away from the Mun I tried to lower the speed unfortunately I ran out of fuel at 10k or something. Luckily I still had some parachutes, but stupid me the Mun doesnt have an atmosphere.... Yeah, my Kerbal crashed and died that instant! ;.; Before more of my Kerbals die, can someone give me some tips at how to make a succesful Munlanding? I'm playing in career mode, so I can't target the Mun and can only use the buttons apoapsis and periapsis . Because of this I find it pretty hard to get in the same orbit as the Mun. Already checked some tutorials but mostly they use more tools on the Navball and have the estimated time they reach the Mun. Any tips are welcome! This is my spaceship