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10 Good
  1. Well... I got the Problem too... I use all kind of mods and I got it with different engines, diffrent tanks, diffrent launch clamps and nothing works... TWR is good...
  2. Well... I noticed something weired... I can attach the horizontal stuff onliy vertical, and the vertical stuff only horizontal xD
  3. Hi Guys, i've got a problem... When I try to connect the Frame parts with anything the wont connect. When I turn on the other connectors the parts do connect but the frames wont become solid and dont spawn on the ramp... Any suggestions?
  4. I construted a crane rover to move around some droped parts on other planets. For example to place colony modules corectly, colect droped supply and so on... it fits completly into a MK3 cargo bay or and B9 HL cargo bay.
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