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Funky Dare Devil

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Posts posted by Funky Dare Devil

  1. 11 hours ago, Benoit Hage said:

    24,5 mo of output_log... just wow!

    FNPlugin.MicrowaveSources.calculateTransmitters - This error seems to be the most spawn one, and if i'm right, this comes from KSP interstellar. Did you installed the last version of that mod?

    You can make an easy test and move your mod folder in a temporary place to check if that bug still spam in your output_log.

    I know, the file is quite large.  I'll try it out tonight and see if that helps.  Thanks much for the suggestion. :-)

  2. Game pings "NullReference Exception: Object reference not set to an instance of an object" after about 2-3 loadups
    between game and VAB/SPH.  Sometimes it does it when I prepare to launch a ship, which upon attempting to do so shows a
    screen of just space with no planets and no ship, and all I can do is exit back to the space center.  
    In the VAB & SPH I see this https://www.dropbox.com/s/ysj9yem50chb9ts/screenshot83.png?dl=0, and this https://www.dropbox.com/s/ni6gik4rgprvybv/screenshot314.png?dl=0.  I think it may be an issue with the Deepfreeze mod I have installed.
    but I am not sure. The problem occurs on every ship I load and try to fly. Any information or help you can provide would be great.  Here are the necessary bits, any of which I forget to include or fail to upload please let me know.  Thanks again for the help.

    Output log:https://www.dropbox.com/s/twqd96doejojjj6/output_log.txt?dl=0

    System specs: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2euqxavmebn3sva/DxDiag.txt?dl=0

    Save File: https://www.dropbox.com/s/vmyryb7gb4dr9xf/quicksave%20%231.sfs?dl=0

    List of Installed Mods: https://www.dropbox.com/s/02y2mcwuq20q5m3/Modlist.csv?dl=0

    KSP Version: 1.05.1028 Windows 7 32-Bit (Steam Download, with game files installed on hard drive and not via Steam)


  3. This may seem like a noob question, but I recently researched all the available technologies for the KSPI Extended 1.5.16, but I can't find its version of the Alcubierre Drive anywhere in the VAB or SPH, even though said drive is visible in the research lab. Does having Roverdude's version of the same somehow override the other, or am I doing something wrong so as to render it unusable? Any info on the matter would be most helpful.

  4. I'm glad you got it working. Not a problem, I like to know my code works, and when it doesn't I like to help where I can. Don't want frozen kerbals just shoved off into a locker somewhere forever.. We need to be able to thaw them as well! :blush:

    Just took a look at the save file you uploaded.. and it would appear that whilst the Vessel #(ID) and part #'s appeared correct for each frozen kerbal, the SeatIndx was set to -1 and SeatName was set to Unknown for all crew.

    I'm curious to understand how this happened in order to prevent it in future as I feel there might still be a bug here somewhere.

    So can you explain to me this vessel:- were the crew frozen whilst the two CRY-1300's were separate vessels ? (IE:before docking)? and were they frozen whilst you were running V0.19? or an earlier version?

    I will take a look further into the code setting the seat index to -1 and Unknown is in the code when a problem is encountered. I'll endeavour to figure out how it might have happened, but I also will look at making the code more robust so that if this occurs for someone else it will recover correctly. I thought it already did, but obviously not. So I'll investigate further.

    Answer to question #1: Yes, they were frozen prior to docking, in this particular configuration:


    Answer to question #2: I downloaded version 0.19 prior to building this ship

  5. More information is required here.. You say you docked two ships with CRY-1300's with 6 kerbals on-board each? I think you mean 3 kerbals on-board each? And were all 6 frozen?

    And after you docked you attempted to thaw and got what error? The error you have reported above is not directly after doing this, I can tell because in the error it says:

    at System.Collections.Generic.List`1[internalSeat].get_Item (Int32 index) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at DF.DeepFreezer.resetFrozenKerbals () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at DF.DeepFreezer.onceoffSetup () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at DF.DeepFreezer.OnUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    This particular part of the code does not run when two vessels dock and you attempt to thaw. This error is on initial load of the part, say when you switch to it from space center.

    Anyway, I just conducted an exact same test:

    Two CRY-1300's with 6 kerbals on board. All of them frozen.. whilst the two vessels were separated.

    I docked the two vessels and was able to successfully thaw them all. This is all using V0.19.0.0 which fixed this problem. So I cannot reproduce your error.

    I'm guessing you may have docked them before upgrading to V0.19.0.0??

    If anyone experiences similar errors you need to save your log file and submit it with steps to reproduce etc. As per the support instructions here.

    I would very much like to see your persistent.sfs file to try and determine what is going on if you are willing to share it.

    As to how to now recover, here are the steps, but if you get it wrong, well, should have backed it up. :confused:

    1) Edit your persistent.sfs file and Find SCENARIO where Name is DeepFreeze as per this :



    name = DeepFreeze

    scene = 5, 6, 7, 8



    Enabled = True



    lastUpdate = 315357.079318465

    status = Dead

    type = Unowned

    vesselID = 6715860e-036c-4353-8e63-ef8872e83e99

    VesselName = cry1300testDocking

    partID = 4107896637

    seatIdx = 0

    seatName = Seat1

    experienceTraitName = Engineer

    kerbalName = Frolie Kerman




    lastUpdate = 315364.739318472

    status = Dead

    type = Unowned

    vesselID = 6715860e-036c-4353-8e63-ef8872e83e99

    VesselName = cry1300testDocking

    partID = 4107896637

    seatIdx = 1

    seatName = Seat2

    experienceTraitName = Engineer

    kerbalName = Hallock Kerman




    lastUpdate = 315378.239318484

    status = Dead

    type = Unowned

    vesselID = 6715860e-036c-4353-8e63-ef8872e83e99

    VesselName = cry1300testDocking

    partID = 4107896637

    seatIdx = 2

    seatName = Seat3

    experienceTraitName = Pilot

    kerbalName = Shermund Kerman




    lastUpdate = 315386.119318492

    status = Dead

    type = Unowned

    vesselID = 3326f7fb-266f-4dbb-b471-cb7eddcfbf2c

    VesselName = cry1300testDocking Ship

    partID = 941884159

    seatIdx = 0

    seatName = Seat1

    experienceTraitName = Engineer

    kerbalName = Milke Kerman




    lastUpdate = 315392.879318498

    status = Dead

    type = Unowned

    vesselID = 3326f7fb-266f-4dbb-b471-cb7eddcfbf2c

    VesselName = cry1300testDocking Ship

    partID = 941884159

    seatIdx = 1

    seatName = Seat2

    experienceTraitName = Scientist

    kerbalName = Rodgar Kerman




    lastUpdate = 315399.619318504

    status = Dead

    type = Unowned

    vesselID = 3326f7fb-266f-4dbb-b471-cb7eddcfbf2c

    VesselName = cry1300testDocking Ship

    partID = 941884159

    seatIdx = 2

    seatName = Seat3

    experienceTraitName = Engineer

    kerbalName = Wilelle Kerman




    vesselName = KPBS-CRY5000

    vesselType = Base

    numSeats = 6

    numCrew = 3

    numOccupiedParts = 2

    numFrznCrew = 0

    hibernating = True

    hasextDoor = False

    lastUpdate = 315330.45931844

    storedEC = 4284.62676003316

    predictedECOut = 25707.7605601989

    Guid = 424e3973-3fff-4889-9189-348c9666ae29




    vesselName = cry1300testDocking

    vesselType = Ship

    numSeats = 6

    numCrew = 1

    numOccupiedParts = 2

    numFrznCrew = 3

    hibernating = False

    hasextDoor = False

    lastUpdate = 315406.19931851

    storedEC = 8149.99906847407

    predictedECOut = 0

    Guid = 6715860e-036c-4353-8e63-ef8872e83e99




    vesselName = cry1300testDocking Ship

    vesselType = Ship

    numSeats = 3

    numCrew = 0

    numOccupiedParts = 1

    numFrznCrew = 3

    hibernating = False

    hasextDoor = False

    lastUpdate = 315406.19931851

    storedEC = 8030

    predictedECOut = 0

    Guid = 3326f7fb-266f-4dbb-b471-cb7eddcfbf2c




    vesselID = 424e3973-3fff-4889-9189-348c9666ae29

    PartName = CRY-5000Freezer

    numSeats = 4

    numCrew = 2

    crewMembers = Newke Kerman,Jebfred Kerman

    crewMemberTraits = Scientist,Scientist

    numFrznCrew = 0

    hibernating = False

    hasextDoor = False

    timeLastElectricity = 315330.46875

    frznChargeRequired = 10

    timeLastTempCheck = 312922.09375

    deathCounter = 315406.19931851

    tmpdeathCounter = 0

    outofEC = True

    TmpStatus = OK

    cabinTemp = 306.1939

    ECWarning = True

    TempWarning = False

    lastUpdate = 171189.6218575

    flightID = 853394433




    vesselID = 6715860e-036c-4353-8e63-ef8872e83e99

    PartName = CRY-1300Freezer

    numSeats = 3

    numCrew = 0

    crewMembers =

    crewMemberTraits =

    numFrznCrew = 3

    hibernating = False

    hasextDoor = False

    timeLastElectricity = 315406.1875

    frznChargeRequired = 10

    timeLastTempCheck = 315399.625

    deathCounter = 0

    tmpdeathCounter = 0

    outofEC = False

    TmpStatus = OK

    cabinTemp = 287.5132

    ECWarning = False

    TempWarning = False

    lastUpdate = 315302.299318414

    flightID = 4107896637




    vesselID = 3326f7fb-266f-4dbb-b471-cb7eddcfbf2c

    PartName = CRY-1300Freezer

    numSeats = 3

    numCrew = 0

    crewMembers =

    crewMemberTraits =

    numFrznCrew = 3

    hibernating = False

    hasextDoor = False

    timeLastElectricity = 315406.1875

    frznChargeRequired = 10

    timeLastTempCheck = 315378.9375

    deathCounter = 0

    tmpdeathCounter = 0

    outofEC = False

    TmpStatus = OK

    cabinTemp = 287.5406

    ECWarning = False

    TempWarning = False

    lastUpdate = 315302.299318414

    flightID = 941884159




    Each KerbalInfo Entry is a frozen kerbal, each VesselInfo Entry is a vessel that has a DeepFreeze part attached, each PartInfo Entry is for each DeepFreeze freezer part that are part of active vessels.

    When the vessel is one vessel (docked) the VesselID in each KerbalInfo entry and PartInfo entry should match the Guid entry in the VesselInfo Entry (for their vessel).

    The partID for each KerbalInfo should match the flightID entry in their respective PartInfo Part's that they are in. And no two kerbals in the same part should have the same seatIdx or SeatName.

    From the error you have supplied it looks like a frozen Kerbal (KerbalInfo entry) is pointing to a part/seat that is already taken by either another frozen kerbal, or a thawed one.

    2) To 'hack' your save file, you can remove the KerbalInfo for all the frozen kerbals, you then need to Remove the entries for each PartInfo (DeepFreeze will re-add them on next startup).

    3) You then would have to put your kerbals back in the part, to do that you have to find the "VESSEL" entry for the vessel they are meant to be in, then the "PART" entry and add the crew= parms with the crew members names back in like this:



    pid = 6715860e036c43538e63ef8872e83e99

    name = cry1300testDocking

    type = Ship......




    name = CRY-1300Freezer

    cid = 4294321408

    uid = 4107896637

    mid = 2531086846

    launchID = 87

    parent = 0

    position = 0,-1.466139793396,0

    rotation = 0,0,0,1

    mirror = 1,1,1

    symMethod = Radial

    istg = 0

    dstg = 0

    sqor = -1

    sepI = 0

    sidx = -1

    attm = 0

    srfN = , -1

    attN = top, 0

    attN = bottom, 2

    mass = 2.5

    temp = 287.513214111328

    tempExt = 283.089101509767

    expt = 0.5

    state = 0

    connected = True

    attached = True

    flag = Squad/Flags/default

    rTrf = CRY-1300Freezer

    modCost = 0

    crew = Jebediah Kerman

    4) Then you have to go down to the "ROSTER" and find the "KERBAL" entry for each frozen kerbal you changed and change type to Crew "type=Crew" and state to assigned "state = Assigned".





    name = Jebediah Kerman

    gender = Male

    type = Crew

    brave = 0.5

    dumb = 0.5

    badS = True

    tour = False

    state = Assigned

    ToD = 310267.603309575

    idx = 0

    If that is all overwhelming and you want to save your savegame, post it on dropbox or suchlike and send me the link via PM message. I will fix it for you.

    Just so you know, I fixed the problem. You were right about the Kerbals not having different Seat Indexs and numbers, so I changed them in the respective cryo-1300 parts in the persistent.sfs. Booted up the game and it worked like a charm. A thousand thanks in your honor.

  6. More information is required here.. You say you docked two ships with CRY-1300's with 6 kerbals on-board each? I think you mean 3 kerbals on-board each? And were all 6 frozen?

    And after you docked you attempted to thaw and got what error? The error you have reported above is not directly after doing this, I can tell because in the error it says:

    at System.Collections.Generic.List`1[internalSeat].get_Item (Int32 index) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at DF.DeepFreezer.resetFrozenKerbals () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at DF.DeepFreezer.onceoffSetup () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at DF.DeepFreezer.OnUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    This particular part of the code does not run when two vessels dock and you attempt to thaw. This error is on initial load of the part, say when you switch to it from space center.

    Anyway, I just conducted an exact same test:

    Two CRY-1300's with 6 kerbals on board. All of them frozen.. whilst the two vessels were separated.

    I docked the two vessels and was able to successfully thaw them all. This is all using V0.19.0.0 which fixed this problem. So I cannot reproduce your error.

    I'm guessing you may have docked them before upgrading to V0.19.0.0??

    If anyone experiences similar errors you need to save your log file and submit it with steps to reproduce etc. As per the support instructions here.

    I would very much like to see your persistent.sfs file to try and determine what is going on if you are willing to share it.

    As to how to now recover, here are the steps, but if you get it wrong, well, should have backed it up. :confused:

    1) Edit your persistent.sfs file and Find SCENARIO where Name is DeepFreeze as per this :



    name = DeepFreeze

    scene = 5, 6, 7, 8



    Enabled = True



    lastUpdate = 315357.079318465

    status = Dead

    type = Unowned

    vesselID = 6715860e-036c-4353-8e63-ef8872e83e99

    VesselName = cry1300testDocking

    partID = 4107896637

    seatIdx = 0

    seatName = Seat1

    experienceTraitName = Engineer

    kerbalName = Frolie Kerman




    lastUpdate = 315364.739318472

    status = Dead

    type = Unowned

    vesselID = 6715860e-036c-4353-8e63-ef8872e83e99

    VesselName = cry1300testDocking

    partID = 4107896637

    seatIdx = 1

    seatName = Seat2

    experienceTraitName = Engineer

    kerbalName = Hallock Kerman




    lastUpdate = 315378.239318484

    status = Dead

    type = Unowned

    vesselID = 6715860e-036c-4353-8e63-ef8872e83e99

    VesselName = cry1300testDocking

    partID = 4107896637

    seatIdx = 2

    seatName = Seat3

    experienceTraitName = Pilot

    kerbalName = Shermund Kerman




    lastUpdate = 315386.119318492

    status = Dead

    type = Unowned

    vesselID = 3326f7fb-266f-4dbb-b471-cb7eddcfbf2c

    VesselName = cry1300testDocking Ship

    partID = 941884159

    seatIdx = 0

    seatName = Seat1

    experienceTraitName = Engineer

    kerbalName = Milke Kerman




    lastUpdate = 315392.879318498

    status = Dead

    type = Unowned

    vesselID = 3326f7fb-266f-4dbb-b471-cb7eddcfbf2c

    VesselName = cry1300testDocking Ship

    partID = 941884159

    seatIdx = 1

    seatName = Seat2

    experienceTraitName = Scientist

    kerbalName = Rodgar Kerman




    lastUpdate = 315399.619318504

    status = Dead

    type = Unowned

    vesselID = 3326f7fb-266f-4dbb-b471-cb7eddcfbf2c

    VesselName = cry1300testDocking Ship

    partID = 941884159

    seatIdx = 2

    seatName = Seat3

    experienceTraitName = Engineer

    kerbalName = Wilelle Kerman




    vesselName = KPBS-CRY5000

    vesselType = Base

    numSeats = 6

    numCrew = 3

    numOccupiedParts = 2

    numFrznCrew = 0

    hibernating = True

    hasextDoor = False

    lastUpdate = 315330.45931844

    storedEC = 4284.62676003316

    predictedECOut = 25707.7605601989

    Guid = 424e3973-3fff-4889-9189-348c9666ae29




    vesselName = cry1300testDocking

    vesselType = Ship

    numSeats = 6

    numCrew = 1

    numOccupiedParts = 2

    numFrznCrew = 3

    hibernating = False

    hasextDoor = False

    lastUpdate = 315406.19931851

    storedEC = 8149.99906847407

    predictedECOut = 0

    Guid = 6715860e-036c-4353-8e63-ef8872e83e99




    vesselName = cry1300testDocking Ship

    vesselType = Ship

    numSeats = 3

    numCrew = 0

    numOccupiedParts = 1

    numFrznCrew = 3

    hibernating = False

    hasextDoor = False

    lastUpdate = 315406.19931851

    storedEC = 8030

    predictedECOut = 0

    Guid = 3326f7fb-266f-4dbb-b471-cb7eddcfbf2c




    vesselID = 424e3973-3fff-4889-9189-348c9666ae29

    PartName = CRY-5000Freezer

    numSeats = 4

    numCrew = 2

    crewMembers = Newke Kerman,Jebfred Kerman

    crewMemberTraits = Scientist,Scientist

    numFrznCrew = 0

    hibernating = False

    hasextDoor = False

    timeLastElectricity = 315330.46875

    frznChargeRequired = 10

    timeLastTempCheck = 312922.09375

    deathCounter = 315406.19931851

    tmpdeathCounter = 0

    outofEC = True

    TmpStatus = OK

    cabinTemp = 306.1939

    ECWarning = True

    TempWarning = False

    lastUpdate = 171189.6218575

    flightID = 853394433




    vesselID = 6715860e-036c-4353-8e63-ef8872e83e99

    PartName = CRY-1300Freezer

    numSeats = 3

    numCrew = 0

    crewMembers =

    crewMemberTraits =

    numFrznCrew = 3

    hibernating = False

    hasextDoor = False

    timeLastElectricity = 315406.1875

    frznChargeRequired = 10

    timeLastTempCheck = 315399.625

    deathCounter = 0

    tmpdeathCounter = 0

    outofEC = False

    TmpStatus = OK

    cabinTemp = 287.5132

    ECWarning = False

    TempWarning = False

    lastUpdate = 315302.299318414

    flightID = 4107896637




    vesselID = 3326f7fb-266f-4dbb-b471-cb7eddcfbf2c

    PartName = CRY-1300Freezer

    numSeats = 3

    numCrew = 0

    crewMembers =

    crewMemberTraits =

    numFrznCrew = 3

    hibernating = False

    hasextDoor = False

    timeLastElectricity = 315406.1875

    frznChargeRequired = 10

    timeLastTempCheck = 315378.9375

    deathCounter = 0

    tmpdeathCounter = 0

    outofEC = False

    TmpStatus = OK

    cabinTemp = 287.5406

    ECWarning = False

    TempWarning = False

    lastUpdate = 315302.299318414

    flightID = 941884159




    Each KerbalInfo Entry is a frozen kerbal, each VesselInfo Entry is a vessel that has a DeepFreeze part attached, each PartInfo Entry is for each DeepFreeze freezer part that are part of active vessels.

    When the vessel is one vessel (docked) the VesselID in each KerbalInfo entry and PartInfo entry should match the Guid entry in the VesselInfo Entry (for their vessel).

    The partID for each KerbalInfo should match the flightID entry in their respective PartInfo Part's that they are in. And no two kerbals in the same part should have the same seatIdx or SeatName.

    From the error you have supplied it looks like a frozen Kerbal (KerbalInfo entry) is pointing to a part/seat that is already taken by either another frozen kerbal, or a thawed one.

    2) To 'hack' your save file, you can remove the KerbalInfo for all the frozen kerbals, you then need to Remove the entries for each PartInfo (DeepFreeze will re-add them on next startup).

    3) You then would have to put your kerbals back in the part, to do that you have to find the "VESSEL" entry for the vessel they are meant to be in, then the "PART" entry and add the crew= parms with the crew members names back in like this:



    pid = 6715860e036c43538e63ef8872e83e99

    name = cry1300testDocking

    type = Ship......




    name = CRY-1300Freezer

    cid = 4294321408

    uid = 4107896637

    mid = 2531086846

    launchID = 87

    parent = 0

    position = 0,-1.466139793396,0

    rotation = 0,0,0,1

    mirror = 1,1,1

    symMethod = Radial

    istg = 0

    dstg = 0

    sqor = -1

    sepI = 0

    sidx = -1

    attm = 0

    srfN = , -1

    attN = top, 0

    attN = bottom, 2

    mass = 2.5

    temp = 287.513214111328

    tempExt = 283.089101509767

    expt = 0.5

    state = 0

    connected = True

    attached = True

    flag = Squad/Flags/default

    rTrf = CRY-1300Freezer

    modCost = 0

    crew = Jebediah Kerman

    4) Then you have to go down to the "ROSTER" and find the "KERBAL" entry for each frozen kerbal you changed and change type to Crew "type=Crew" and state to assigned "state = Assigned".





    name = Jebediah Kerman

    gender = Male

    type = Crew

    brave = 0.5

    dumb = 0.5

    badS = True

    tour = False

    state = Assigned

    ToD = 310267.603309575

    idx = 0

    If that is all overwhelming and you want to save your savegame, post it on dropbox or suchlike and send me the link via PM message. I will fix it for you.

    My apologies for not being more clear. I am not familiar with coding and a lot of the output data file looked like gibberish, much like programming data for me in general, and plus it was late, so my error reproduction report was flawed. Yes I meant two CRY-1300s with three onboard Kerbals each. As for the version, I am pretty sure I had V0.19.0.0 when I experienced the error, but I will try and repeat your troubleshooting steps and download the most recent update to see if they fix the problem. Truth is I have 40+ mods on my current install and I've experienced other glitches besides the one with the cryopods (i.e. can't right-click on ship parts to access their functions, cannot set up maneuver nodes, parts of planetary bodies disappearing in map mode, etc.). Thanks for your help in this, as I deeply enjoy this mod. Keep up your excellent work. Here are the relevant bits you need, and feel free to edit the persistent.sfs if you so desire.

    My output log file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/twqd96doejojjj6/output_log.txt?dl=0

    My persistent.sfs: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qm1xr4skg4ds3lf/persistent.sfs?dl=0

  7. I've got a bug report. Log and persistent.sfs: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/jtnkbvg4bl2xjeh/AADHX6q2aSS6-B3gNPlGzJ9Ca?dl=0

    I built a ship (Explorer 1), then docked it to my space station (TC2). Put Kerbals into the freezer, froze them (while docked), then undocked the ship, and then made a few modifications to the ship (with KIS).

    When I went to unfreeze them (thankfully before the interplanetary journey), I couldn't. No Kerbals in the frozen list.

    Looking at the save file, DeepFreeze saved them in SCENARIO{DFGameSettings{KerbalInfo{}}} against "vesselID = 6201018e-5580-48b6-9785-f655b44769cb" which doesn't exist, but presumably used to be TC2 (I also modified that station heavily using KIS). I changed that to c4792c2b-50e8-4e50-a3b9-67a166b6cfff to match the PartInfo{} vesselID of the actual freezer, as well as the actual ship:

    pid = c4792c2b50e84e50a3b967a166b6cfff
    name = Explorer 1

    Now the Kerbals show up in the list! But I can't unfreeze them. Pressing "Thaw" says "Code Error: Cannot thaw kerbal at this time / Thawing Aborted / Cannot thaw kerbal at this time". The log is full of "Argument is out of range" spam.

    I'll try to fix this by save file hackery (probably just restoring them to "live" and then re-freezing), but this brings up some questions:

    1. Do you test against the vessel ID changing, via freezing and then undocking, or just moving the freezer (with frozen Kerbals inside) from one ship to another via KIS?

    2. If I change the vesselID of the freezer and then freeze Kerbals, is that safe? I can live with a restriction of "don't modify the ship while frozen Kerbals are aboard" but I do need to dock/undock and modify ships with KIS.

    It seems to me that storing the frozen Kerbals in the PartModule instead of the global SCENARIO{} would avoid the vesselID issues, but might not let you access their data while focused on another ship (the global Alarm window and such). Maybe just have each PartModule store which Kerbals are frozen on board, and update the vesselID in SCENARIO{}? I don't know the solution, just throwing things out there.

    How exactly do you restore the Kerbals to "live" with save file hacking? I believe I'm experiencing this same exact error (unable to thaw Kerbals after a ship is docked) and need a way to work through this error so I can get the docked ship home. I'm including the error log if it will help.

    KSP: 1.0.4 Windows 32bit

    Problem: Code Error. Cannot thaw Kerbal at this time. Check Log.

    Mods installed:

    Deep Freeze Continued V0.19.0.0

    Reproduction steps:

    Docking ship to vessel with two CRY-1300 DeepFreezer pods w/6 kerbals in both pods. Pods will not thaw Kerbals despite having been able to do so previously.

    Log: (Filename: Line: -1)

    ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Argument is out of range.

    Parameter name: index

    at System.Collections.Generic.List`1[internalSeat].get_Item (Int32 index) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at DF.DeepFreezer.resetFrozenKerbals () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at DF.DeepFreezer.onceoffSetup () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at DF.DeepFreezer.OnUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at Part.ModulesOnUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at Part.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    (Filename: Line: -1)

    Let me know if I need more. Greatly appreciate it. :-)

  8. You put the stuff in 'GameData' in the zip in the folder 'GameData' in KSP, simple as that - don't move stuff around, install everything.

    Show a screenshot of your GameData and your USI folder.

    My Gamedata Folder:


    The USI Filter Folder List under the Gamedata Folder:


    Are all the USI mods supposed to be installed in this way? I use CKAN so maybe there's an issue with the way it installs these, or perhaps something else. I'll try it the way you say to and go from there.

  9. Originally Posted by _Augustus_ viewpost-right.png

    I'm not moving at all when I throttle up.

    You did not install USITools then. You need all of the bits in that ZIP.

    I am experiencing this same exact issue. I checked to see if I installed USI Tools in the gamedata directory, and I do. I also made sure to install the USI Core 0.5.1 update, but I am still not able to throttle up the pulse rocket. I would greatly appreciate it if you could show me the exact file install path for each of these mods (Orion, USI Core and/or Tools) so I know where to put them in the gamedata folder to make them work properly, if it is not too much trouble. Addendum: All the other USI mods seem to work fine...Perhaps it is a specific compatibility issue with these particular mods.

  10. I recently downloaded the most recent CKAN utility and used it to install all my current mods for the current version of KSP. Almost all of them work properly save for the following exceptions, which give me these error messages:

    + USI Exploration ("This currently installed version was built to run on KSP 1.0.2")

    + USI Survival Pack ("This currently installed version was built to run on KSP 1.0.")

    + USI Alcubierre ("This currently installed version was built to run on KSP 1.0.2")

    + aaa_Toolbar ("This mod is incompatible with KSP 1.0.4")

    What I find most peculiar is that I still get the version incompatibility messages when I download the most up to date versions of these particular USI mods straight from the developer, making doubly sure they say they are compatible with KSP 1.0.4. Furthermore, all the other USI mods I installed, specifically Karbonite, Karbonite Plus, Life Support, and Sounding Rockets all work fine, and the game itself loads no problem, and the parts for the non-current mods seem to attach as well, save for the 2.5m Alcubierre drive bubble not being visible in the VAB. Has anyone experienced this problem and/or fixed it? Your input on the matter is greatly appreciated.

  11. Recently, I've been experiencing attachment issues with my B9 and stock air intakes while in both the SPH and VAB. They will not attach to any body or fuselage I try to attach them to (symmetry setting: mirror bilateral; angle snap: on), and even worse, all the other part selections become unresponsive, including the parts I've already attached to the main body; sometimes it will select the entire ship, forcing me to delete it and mess up my work. Every time this happens I am forced to click on the "New" or "Load" options to reset it, which still doesn't help. I've even tweaked with the load settings (ATM and DDS mods installed; removed and replaced "-opengl" addition to KSP shortcut) as well as uninstalled and re-installed the most recent version of the B9 mod, and yet it still doesn't fix the problem. Any suggestions?

  12. I downloaded the most recent iteration of the Interstellar mod for the 0.90 beta from this forum but the game does not recognize the files and I do not see any of the tech tree options nor any of the related parts. I think it may be that I have the Near Future series of mods in the Gamedata directory already. Does this matter, or should I be able to have both series of mods in that directory with no problem? Anyone else facing a similar issue here? How did you guys get it to work with the new beta?

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