Sounds like a great mods, wich greatly improves the career mode with a modded installation. Thanks for your work. I noticed 1 minor problem : the new version of USI MKS/OKS ( hides parts from extraplanetary launchpads ( in the VAB and the SPH, but those parts are still visible in the new tech tree when i use your plugin (note that those parts are not visible in the VAB). The lists of hidden parts is available at (also available in the GameData/UmbraSpaceIndustries/Kolonization/EL_CONFIG.cfg file of your local KSP installation). Even more strange, i can see parts for mods that are even not installed !! For exemple, i can see all the Universal Storage parts for DMagic Orbital Science, but i only have DMagic installed, not Universal Storage. As for the OKS/MKS problem, those parts are only visible in the tech tree, not in the VAB nor the SPH. Second problem, unmanned and manned version have the same id in the configuration file. This prevent the TechManager to offer both at loading. Simply add "Unman" to the unmanned's id solve this problem. You are supporting Extraplanetary Launchpad, you are supporting Karbonite, so why not supporting Extraplanetary Launchpad Karbonite conversion ( ? I added those parts to nodes : to node {name = newnode_4108, techID = offWorldConstruction} i add the parts {name = OrbitalRocketWorkshop}; to node {name = newnode_2972, techID = offWorldAssembly} i add the parts {name = RocketWorkshop, name = SmallerBlastSmelter, name = BlastSmelter, name = TinyBlastSmelter}; to node {name = newnode_8515, techID = orbitColonization} i add the parts {name = OKS.Storage.RocketParts}; Finally, the support of the figaro GPS plugin would be a great thing ( Here is the node i add : NODE { name = newnode_6729 techID = gnss pos = -1545,635,-10 icon = ELECTRONICS cost = 225 title = Global Navigation Satellite System description = Positionning things on other things. anyParent = False hideIfEmpty = True parents = node7_advScienceTech,node7_advUnmanned PARTS { name = FigaroReceiver name = FigaroTransmitter } } This seems to be working, but i can make mistakes