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Everything posted by Zeddah

  1. Wow, indeed. I added the 2 side parachutes to recover the RT-10. It's hard to believe that such a small addon can increase the drag by so much. After removing those I can reach 45k.
  2. I'm not sure what you mean by set throttle to 26%. This RT-10 engine cannot be shut down when launched and has no throttle control. So I guess you mean thrust limiter? Again, I tested several limits with full fuel (20%, 26%, 36, ...) And every time fuel runs out at 13km and the highest point I got was 28km. What am I doing wrong then? Is there a secret setting?
  3. Thanks for the replies! I can move on now. I thought about the drag being in the mix, but didn't find anyone who added this parameter in calculations. I will try experimenting with the thrust limiter in sandbox mode then before applying it to career mode
  4. I have read (and seen Scott Manley's) instructions on how to begin the new career mode. So I figured I want to calculate trajectories first, and then fire my rocket to minimize the costs. Since I'm used to trial and error Also I liked the challenge. But I've hit some difficulties So what I don't get is: for the first contracts (let's take example: set alt. record of 11km) Given the rocket is the RT-10 Solid Fuel Booster with a Mk1 pod and Mk16 parachute. And I want to calculate how much fuel I have to take, and what thrust I should be limiting to... the Delta-v is: ln(Mfull/Mempty)*Isp*9.81 = 2595.72 m/s/s Mfull = 4.7 Mempty = 4.7-3.25 = 1.45 Isp = 225 in atmosphere Now... I don't understand this number... 2595.72 m/s/s is like saying the maximum acceleration that rocket with that payload can get is 2595.72m/s per second... But the rocket can maximally burn for 29 seconds with max thrust (15liters/sec for 433 liters) and will only get around 500m/s when fuel is empty... Also, how do you calculate from here on out what the optimum setup is to reach as close as say 11km? Or is it not possible to calculate and do you guys just do this by trial and error? I really feel I should be able to calculate this. I would really love it if I could. One small step for me Please help me math wizards
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