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Everything posted by divided-zero

  1. Just like to make a quick bug report after a quick chat with ferram4 on reddit FAR 0.14.6 and OPT1.4.9 OPTs parts seem to have a large amount of aerodynamic lift as most of them are lifting bodies, especially this ( large flat ) cockpit tends to give a large amount of lift to the front of the aircraft but dosent seem to be translated into the COL when working in the SPH so its really hard to try and balance. and most of the time you end up with a plane the wants to flip and fly backwards. ferram4 Oh, I see the problem. This is technically on OPT's end, but I know how to fix it. So there are a bunch of stock's ModuleLiftingSurface partModules to the spaceplane parts to give them lifting body properties in stock. Problem is, they're not being removed; the config that is included would remove the stock lifting properties if they were using the old Winglet part type, but not with ModuleLiftingSurface. Go make a bug report about it, it should be a relatively quick fix on their end.
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