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  1. Thanks for your reply, Diazo. I'll take a look on TAC Life Support. And my question may be a bit too broad, you're right. This is the essential part of my question: How to unboard (go on eva) and board (get back from eva to cockpit) a kerbal by code. Best regards, Fanatorium
  2. Hey guys, I'm stuck on a problem while writing a mod and now I would like to ask if you can help me, because searching through internet didn't solve anything. I have an event, where I want to unboard a Kerbal out of the current vessel and get the unboarded kerbal as a vessel to teleport to current body surface. It also should be possible to teleport a Kerbal from the surface up to the vessel and re-board him. The problem at this point is, that I don't know how to board or unboard a Kerbal by code. Do you guys have any suggestions how to solve this? Best regards, Fanatorium
  3. Ouh damn, thought there is a difference between EVA and vessel... Thanks four your hint
  4. Hi, I have i question about KSPEvents. I have an event, which is only 'clickable' by a kerbal on EVA. For example: [KSPEvent(active = true, guiActiveUnfocused = true, guiName = "MyEvent", unfocusedRange = 20f, externalToEVAOnly = true)] private void Event() { } Now I need to get the kerbal who triggered the event because I would like to teleport the triggering kerbal to another position. Does someone know how this could be done? Greetings Fanatorium
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