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  1. Hey guys, thanks for the help so far, here is a picture of my missile. first is the rocket attached, secondly after the rocket is fired with the 3 sepratrons stuck and then the third image is after the rest of the rocket rolls onto the ground and is destroyed and is the remaining sepratrons detach . In the images you can see the larger rocket which fires fine and the same missile on a different craft with no problems. like JPmAn said it is definitely a problem with the sepratrons because when I take them off the remainder of the missile detaches normally, but when I reattach them higher up without any offset they fail to work again.
  2. 100% tried many times, both sequencing the staging in the VAB and even altering on launch but no luck.
  3. Hello everyone, I decided to post here because Google really isn't helping me much . I've been designing a few space combat ships after getting engrossed in the Macey Dean videos and I'm having problems with one of the stock "missiles" I've created. Upon decoupling and activation they just fall to pieces and do not fire, the weird thing is 3 of the sepratrons stay in the small decoupler and can be activated with space bar but do not move. Normally id just go back to the drawing board but I built all the "missiles" in the VAB to make sure they work properly and then added them to the sub-assemblies furthermore on another of my spaceships the same design works absolutely fine and the larger missile on the same ship fires as planned Here is what I've tried so far: Launching from staging and hotkeys. Close KSP then restart. Putting sepratrons above the decoupler in staging. Moving the firing system to a different surface with more space. Moving the sepratrons up out of decoupler. Has anybody experienced this before or know of a way to fix it. I don't mind posting a few gifs or eve my craft files if I have to. Thanks
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