I can't get 7zip to download, can you send it to me in a .zip? - - - Updated - - - Not exactly... it converts electric charge to make other stuff like liquid fuel.
SuperSwifty2004's Water Powered Engines Mod This mod adds water propelled engines and generators. Adds: WPR-1 Engine WPR-5 Engine Bottle o' Karbonated Water XXXXXL Karbonated Water Can Installation Unzip Files into GameData Attributions: Community Resource Pack (RoverDude) Zzz (models for generators) Download: http://www.curse.com/ksp-mods/kerbal/228316-superswifty2004s-water-powered-engine-mod
Hey, I'm making a mod for an energy converter; so can I get a model for an inline 1.25m energy converter (can I please get the "Stack top", "Stack bottom", "rescaleFactor", etc.