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Everything posted by DelgaSpace

  1. Great, man! Your work is amazing!!! Great ship! I'll be waiting for more of your story!
  2. Thanks for all yout comments! I've learned a lot reading this forum. I must admint that i killed two kerbonauts trying to landing mun, and this is the first time y get to Mun and back successfully The lander, as you can see, is small, about 6.5 tons. One T-400 fuel tank and 4 T-100 fuel tanks, which are decoupled after liftoff Mun, to reduce mass. Now i have to learn rendezvous and docking, so i can buil a space station in Kerbin orbit and a base in Mun. Thanks for all your replys and your ideas!!
  3. Hi Everybody! First of all, sorry about my english (i'm from Argentina) This is my first post. I want to show you some pics from my first (and successful) tripulated mission to Mun. I know it isn't a very big challenge, but i'm a newbie in KSP and i felt very happy to bring back Bob Kerman alive. Thanks!
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