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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. That does not seem right... the log file gives the version right at the top. 0.90 beta, and I have EL 5.0 installed.... Let Me check and make sure.
  2. Reproduced My explosion problem as the last action taken in these logs. Built launchpad on the Mun via survey stakes. Connected launchpad to base. Built vessel with launchpad. Boom. Root part exploded on finalize build. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/7904223/KSP%20Log.zip
  3. How do I send you My log file? I have a LOT of Null Reference Exceptions. Object reference not set to an instance of an object. All thrown like this: [EXC 16:52:59.021] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object ExLP.ExBuildWindow.OnGUI ()
  4. I have no idea which log to check for this, but regardless, you would think that something throwing an exception would not be a constant and reliably reproduced problem. However, if you let Me know where I should be looking for the log, I can upload it for you, or send the file to you. I love the basic concept of this mod, and the general functionality, just need to nail down some problems with it.
  5. I have a slight problem with the Launchpad 2, and the Runway. (also with Baha's Compact Launchpad). It seems anything built on these launchpads has some sort of explosion that destroys the root part of the build. KSP 0.90, EPL 5.0 I am using EPL, Kethane, KAS, SCANsat, Kerbal Stats, Toolbar, Mechjeb2, Kerbal Foundries, and Baha's EPL extension(for the augers). Reproduce: Launch Survey Pod with some rocketparts and metal to the Mun(also works on Duna, so far). Build smelter/auger/rocket workshop via survey stakes. Move survey stakes. Attach parts via KAS pipes. Build Launchpad2 or Runway(or B's Compact Launchpad) via survey stakes. Attach to build via KAS pipes. Remove survey stakes. Confirm Launchpad/Runway is highlighted in build menu. Build any ship on launchpad/runway. Upon hitting 'finalize build,' ship appears, and during loading, the root part explodes before 'release' button can be pressed. Ship is now permanently docked to launchpad/runway and unusable. There was a bug for this on GitHub, and I posted there as well. But I am not sure if 'launched and landed' launchpads and runways have the same problem. Will test shortly. Edit: Tested with just putting a launchpad on the runway at KSC and having everything connected at launch. Built a vehicle on the launchpad, and no explosion. This SEEMS to indicate that it has something to do with the functionality of the part when built with EPL off planet. Something in the build process causes this bug. Would appreciate a confirmation and possible fix. Edit: More testing reveals that things built with survey stakes and the orbital dock tend to have certain things 'turned off.' For instance, I just built and launched a satellite from the Mun, and the SAS system would not work correctly. It turned on as usual, but when I right clicked on the SAS modules, the stated that they were idle, and the ship would not right itself. I had the correct probe core on the ship, and when launched from KSC, the same build worked perfectly. And previously, the Lazor System Hullcams will work when launched from KSC, but not when built at the orbital dock.
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