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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Well I figured it out. The rocket wants to see communication as it's flying, and the "stock" built-in antenna, has a range of less then 2000m. Once I used an antenna the rocket stages properly.
  2. Has anyone seen a bug where RT 1.6.2 wont allow other stages to operate on launch? I'm running a clean version of KSP .90 and as soon as I load RT into Gamedata rockets will not longer stage. I'm using the stock rockets provided by the game, as well as rockets I've made myself. I'm having this problem with ModManager2.5.8 and ModManager2.5.9 - these are the only DLL versions I've tried, however, both RT 1.6.1 and 1.6.2 have this problem. I'm asking before I start posting links to log files, if no one else has seen this then I'll assume it's on my end. Thanks, Denis
  3. That was the problem. I didn't see this documented any where, or did I just miss it in all of the documentation? Being a total newbe, I'm going to say I missed it. Maybe this should be as a "NOTE:" in the fist post? Anyway, Thank You! for catching this, I'm now off to crash into the Sun and other fun adventures using KSP. Denis
  4. Jacke, MechJeb was missing from Sandbox mode as well. - - - Updated - - - Jacke, I was able to install Enhanced Nav Ball, so I assume I'm doing the install correctly.
  5. Not sure if this is the correct place to post this, I searched the forums and think this is the thread, however, I'm sure someone will correct me. I'm not able to get Mechjeb 2.4.2 working under KSP 90 - I purchased the full version off of the KSP site, and am able to get the game to run; game seems to work fine in Career and Sandbox mods, however, MechJeb2 doesn't show up. I extracted the zip file in KSP_win/GameData it extracted into a MechJeb2 sub-directory. I'm running Windows 8.1 and the 32 bit version of KSP. Any help, or a pointer to where to find help would be nice. Thanks, Denis
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